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他正盯着露西看。He is staring at Lucy.

爱迪忍不住盯着他看。Eddie couldn’t help staring.

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他凝目眺望大海。He was staring out to the sea.

他探出了身子,睁大眼睛瞧着我。He leaned forward staring at me.

为什么老看着我的汗巾?Why are you staring at my scarf?

我看见了那只死豿直瞪瞪的眼睛。I saw that dead dog's staring eye.

他从沙发上跳起身来,瞪着眼睛直瞧。He jumped up off the sofa, staring.

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我静静地坐在那里盯着苹果。I sat quietly staring at the apple.

一个坐在那里傻瞪着眼,活像一座木乃伊。That one sits staring like a mummy.

这是我在论坛上问的答案。The toad was staring rather nastily.

——我一直朝车窗外望着。—and I’d been staring out the window.

我知道的就是我正看着天花板。I knew , I was staring at the celling.

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问题是明摆的,我们想回避也回避不了。The problem is staring us in the face.

后来看到我瞪他,就放下去了。Then see me staring at him, went down.

“啊,皮普!”乔也惊了一下,对我瞪着眼。Halloa, Pip! ' said Joe, staring at me.

她茫然地朝房间里注视着。She was staring vacantly into the room.

你在瞪眼大赛中胜过阿宝了没?!Did you beat Po in that staring contest?

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他瞪眼看着米歇尔广场。He was staring at the Place Saint-Michel.

他把眼睛茫然凝视着他的前方。His eyes is staring his front ignorantly.

今晚我在这儿凝望月色莹白。So here I am staring at the moon tonight.