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没有洋葱圈?No onion rings?

把洋葱切细。Chop an onion finely.

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然后是洋葱和泡菜。Then onion and pickles.

这汤有洋葱味。The soup tastes of onion.

用刀将洋葱切碎。Use knife to cut up onion.

我要点洋葱炒猪肝。I'll have the live and onion.

从那以后,我一直不喜欢吃猪肝。I'll have the liver and onion.

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今晚上,她成了惹人讨厌的人。She was a bloody onion tonight.

把洋葱切成丁。Cut the onion into small pieces.

让我们把洋葱幼苗移出来。Let's prick the onion plant out.

葱属和百合属是近亲。The onion is allied to the lily.

洋葱里长不出玫瑰。/乌鸦里飞不出金凤凰。An onion will not produce a rose.

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我要制造一份会炸的洋葱咖喱!To make an exploding onion bhaji!

欧洲的一种葱,花白色。European onion with white flowers.

听说过一种生洋葱的偏方吗?Heard the one about the raw onion?

如何做法式洋葱汤浓缩粉。How to make French onion soup mix.

嫩煎洋葱和大蒜,一直到软了才停止。Saute onion and garlic until soft.

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放入洋葱煎软。Add the onion and sauté until soft.

这汤中有太多洋葱。There is too much onion in the soup.

蜂蜜和洋葱同食伤眼睛。Honey and onion with fresh eyes hurt.