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后期减少迟发行溃疡。Anaphase it can reduce the tardive ulcer.

有丝分裂或减数分裂的最后阶段,发生在细胞分裂后期之后。The final stage of mitosis or meiosis, occurring after anaphase.

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分蘖数前期低于正常茭,后期则超过正常茭。The number of tillers was lower in prophase and higher in anaphase.

用后期桥作为倒位杂合子性的指标。Anaphase bridges were used as indicators of inversion heterozygosity.

其背后正是前期现代性遭遇后期现代性所产生的叙事裂隙。Behind it is the narrate gap between prophase modernity and anaphase modernity.

郁金香后期光合速率呈线性陡降。Photosynthetic rate of tulip behaved linearity decreased in anaphase of tulips.

链式长冲程抽油机主要是为开采中、期油田而设计的。Chain type long stroke pumping unit is mainly used in mid and anaphase oilfield.

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前期叶绿体内淀粉粒较多,中期减少,后期增多。Starch grains in chloroplasts decreased in prophase and increased in anaphase steadily.

纯施化肥的叶绿体内淀粉粒后期迅速增大超过其他3处理。The starch grains accumulated rapidly in anaphase in the CK and more than other treatments.

到繁殖后期,雌鸨各种行为的时间和强度发生较大变化。The time budget and intensity of male and female changed greatly during the breeding anaphase.

保护酶活性前期表现出活性升高,后期降低的趋势。The activities of protective enzymes tended to be enhanced in prophase andthen inhibited in anaphase.

针对电子制造企业实施SCM的后期服务咨询过程,就SCM项目评价体系、后续服务等方面进行了研究。For the anaphase service, this paper studies the evaluation system of SCM, the followed-up service and so on.

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在减数分裂后期I中,由于纺锤丝的牵引,使成对的同源染色体各自发生分离,并分别向两极移动。During anaphase I of meiosis pairs of chromatids still connected at their centromere move to the spindle poles.

有丝分裂后期,细胞器集中于未来的营养细胞极。At anaphase of mitosis, the organelles in microspore cytoplasm are concentrated in the future vegetative cell pole.

旺长后期和成熟期灌水是促进该区烤烟开片的主要措施。Irrigation in fast-growing anaphase and maturing stages was the main measure to promote leaves-enlarging in the area.

非线性编辑系统是以计算机为操作平台的电视节目后期编辑制作设备。Non-linearity editor system is an executing equipment for TV program anaphase editing based on computer operation flat roof.

整个生育阶段,有机肥有效地提高了可溶性糖和蛋白的含量,特别是后期可溶性糖和蛋白含量。In whole growing stage, organic fertilizer can increase the soluble sugar and soluble protein content, especially in anaphase.

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在减数分裂后期II,每条染色体的两个染色单体随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开,由纺锤丝牵向两极。During anaphase II the centromeres divide and single chromatids are drawn toward the poles, thus sister chromatids are separated.

在减数分裂期间,直到分裂后期II两条染色单体才随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开。In meiosis it is not until anaphase II that the centromere divides, the chromatids being termed daughter chromosomes after separation.

在减数分裂后期I和末期I,染色体不进行分离以及纺锤体不能形成而导致来多个不均等的孢子的产生。At anaphase I and telophase I, chromosome nondisjunction and degenerated spindle formation resulted in multiple uneven spore production.