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然后我们把所有肉放进绞肉机绞碎。Then we grind all the meat in the mincing machine.

行为特点是自吹自擂,装腔作势。Behavior characteristic is self- dramatizing , mincing.

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我透过窗户看到威布林在外面迈着小碎步朝他的车走去。Out the window I see Verblin sort of mincing to his car.

是一种女性化,装腔作势地接近小说。it's a kind of feminized, mincing approach to the novel.

这种辣椒由Mincing海外香料公司生产。The pepper was produced by Mincing Overseas Spice Company.

通常的调门有慢板、流水、二八、散板四大部分。The usual tunes include Slow Clappers, Flowing, Erba and Mincing Clappers.

虽然这点不同看起来像咬文嚼字,但实际上存在着深奥的区别。While this may seem like mincing words, there is in fact a profound difference.

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他不止一次直言不讳地指出我们工作中的缺点。He pointed out the shortcomings in our work time and again without mincing words.

他考虑了好久,终于扭扭捏捏的来到他儿子家的门前。He thought for a long time, finally take mincing steps into his son 's house door.

此外,没有任何切碎,换句话说,它阐述了什么会员制就是。Moreover, without mincing any words, it spells out what a membership exactly means.

然后我们取出绞肉机的刀片,再安上一种挤压零件。Then we remove the blade from the mincing machine and install an extrusion attachment.

只有蒜片、蒜蓉、蒜末才会释放对健康有益的化合物。Cutting, crushing or mincing garlic releases the healthy compound found in the vegetable.

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西红柿切碎压汁,加少许蜂密均匀,涂抹面部,去皱效果好。Tomato is mincing press juice, add a few bee close even, daub is facial, it is good to go knitting the effect.

3月份,新泽西州Mincing海外香料公司宣布召回可能受沙门细菌感染的黑胡椒。In March, the Mincing Overseas Spice Company of New Jersey issued a recall of black pepper possibly contaminated with Salmonella.

这种强迫性质的做法会破坏脚的足底弓,缠足后,妇女行走时会有同样的小碎步。现在缠足是违法行为。The practice, now illegal, required breaking the arch of the foot, then constricting it, which resulted in a stylized, mincing gait.

医药公司已经开始对海底生物如海参下手,因为它可以为治疗癌症的药物提供材料。Pharmaceutical companies are already mincing up marine creatures known as sea cucumbers that may yet provide drugs for treating cancer.

然后那头给琼斯先生拉车的傻乎乎的白色母驴莫丽以一种自以为很美妙的姿态走进来,嘴里还不忘嚼一块糖。At the last moment Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr Jones’s trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar.

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裹足现在在中国是违法的,它需要打断人的足弓,然后压缩之,使之成为固定的形状,这一切都是以追求“美”的名义进行的。The practice, now illegal, required breaking the arch of the foot, then constricting it, which resulted in a stylized, mincing qait in the name of beauty.

德夫自己对他模仿的那种腔调非常满意,菲儿转过头去看看其他吃饭的人是否听着以为这是他的原说话声调。Indeed, Dave was so proud of his mincing imitation that Phyl looked round to see if the other diners were listening and thinking he spoke with his real accent.

从侧面观察,平毛寻回犬的步态是步伐有效、动作平稳,流畅且协调,决不起伏不定、做作或笨拙。The Flat-Coat viewed from the side covers ground efficiently and movement appears balanced, free flowing and well coordinated, never choppy , mincing or ponderous.