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我砍倒了一棵大柏树。I fell'd a cedar tree.

我的雪松木杆上涂了六层漆。My cedar receives six coats of lacquer.

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雪松面板应当被刨光和保存。Cedar shingles should be shaved and saved.

雪松会近些年来有了一些麻烦。Cedar Fair has had troubles in recent years.

楼上还有一间游戏室,里面带有一个雪松木壁橱。There's also a playroom with a cedar closet.

他们用杉木板装设了卧室的天花板。They ceiled their bedroom with cedar boards.

她拥有桃花心木背侧板和一块红松的面板。It is mahogany back and sides with a cedar top.

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这样反复地积,反复地落,雪松完好无损。This plot again, repeatedly fall, cedar intact.

带有红莓果的芳香气息,兼有蘑菇、雪松类的味道。Berries on the nose, mixed with mushroom and cedar.

难道你作王是在乎造香柏木楼房争胜吗?Does it make you a king to have more and more cedar?

那棵雪松约有五尺高,风姿优美。The cedar was about five feet high and very shapely.

雪松或桤木是传统的,但枫是太漂亮。Cedar or alder are traditional, but maple is nice too.

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经过了很短的时间,他被从雪河桥上拉了下来。He was pulled out of the Cedar River a short time later.

在我的家梅村,我种了三棵雪松。In my home in Plum Village, I planted three cedar trees.

燃烧的一根红蜡烛引起了气味,像是山艾树或香椿。A red candle Fiery scented incense, such as sage or cedar.

他住在柏树街及湖景车道的交界处。He lives on the corner of Cedar Street and Lakeview Drive.

新加坡四德小学校长访问巴蜀。The headmaster of Cedar Primary School visited our school.

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一个“高尔夫”快餐区的定制台为再生雪松饰面。A "golf" snack area's custom bleachers are reclaimed cedar.

上面有香柏木、和按著尺寸凿成宝贵的石头。Above were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams.

不要使用樟脑丸,使用薰衣草或是雪松屑。Drop the mothballs and reach for lavender or cedar instead.