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她的首要因素是逻各斯。Its dominant element is the Logos.

来自词典中神话的同义词是“理性”。A synonym from the lexicon is logos.

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很多的标志都有似曾相识的感觉。Many logos have the feeling of deja vu.

希腊人称它们为神话和逻各斯。The Greeks called them mythos and logos.

直译过来,logos是什么意思?Transliterated,remember what logos means?

品牌,符号以及商标。Brand names, symbols and vectorized logos.

我们也把他们的标识放到我们的主页。We also added their logos to our home page.

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它是生命意识的新的形态,体现出感性与理性的统一。It acted as the unification of logos and geist.

启示的理性使人类的知识。Enlightement by the Logos brings man to knowledge.

如今,人们却要用刀将衣服的商标裁掉。Now, people are using scalpels to slice logos off.

人们付钱给你,可以在牛身上乱画他们的商标。People pay you to paint their logos onto your cow.

然后有一些美术人员设计我们的商标。Then there are the art people designing our logos.

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这无关乎商标或者明显的标志。This is nothing to do with logos or overt symbols.

它的伟大工程为标志和其他设计元素。It works great for logos and other design elements.

特拉维斯马修在口袋里,背领下方的标志。Travis Mathew logos at pocket and beneath back collar.

该机通过花轮的跟换可生产出不同图案的花边。It can also be used for embossing of logos and patterns.

诺丁汉大学的校徽在历史上几经变更。Nottingham has used several logos throughout its history.

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每天推出的数百个网站都需要徽标。Hundreds of websites that are launched everyday need logos.

有没有一种方法设置其他连接器的旗帜,这些标志的好办法吗?Is there a way to set Other Linker flags to Theos Logos Tweak?

折纸形式对于字女组开型的企业标志是一个不对的挑选。Origami-based logos are a good choice for corporate monograms.