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每个马人有大约80万生命。Each horseman has about 800k health.

他马骑得和骑手一样好。He can ride a horse like a horseman.

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王又打发一个骑马的去。So the king sent out a second horseman.

他最先看到出现在远处的骑者。He was the first to spy the horseman in the distance.

这些暖心的话深深的打动了骑马的人。Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply.

你找寻在血中沐浴的勇士,那个无头骑士。You seek the warrior bathed in blood the headless horseman.

从骑手鲍勃巴塔利亚的区别精细的赞誉。Fine accolades from a horseman of Bob Battaglia's distinction.

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天气非常热,所以养马人决定给马儿们洗个澡。It's very hot, sa the horseman decides to give the horses a bath.

国王拉杰克里希纳戴瓦本身也是一位一流的摔跤手和骑师。The king, Raja Krishnadev was an ace wrestler and horseman , himself.

那个骑马人赶上了一群徒步旅行的人。The horseman came up with a group of people who were traveling on foot.

城墙必须又高又长使胡骑既跳不过去又绕不过去。It had to be so big that no horseman could jump over it or ride around it.

翌晨八点,一个骑马的人朝著那帕利托农场来了。The next morning at eight a horseman came riding to the Nopalito ranch house.

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那个骑手坐在那里,无牵无挂,大口喝着他的加奎宁水的杜松子酒。The horseman sat there swilling his gin-and-tonics without a care in the world.

骑兵纵马奔上斜坡,消失在山脊那边。The horseman dashed up the slope and disappeared on the other side of the ridge.

最后他们开始相信是无头骑马人带走了爱查宝德。And finally they came to believe that the headless horseman had carried Ichabod away.

我们扫了一眼最前面的几匹马,突然发现一个骑马的人消失在雨中。We caught a glimpse of the leading horses and of a horseman vanishing through the rain.

他毕竟然是一个马主,没有必要让杰德告诉他是怎么逮住马的。Above all, he was a horseman and there was no need for Jed to tell him how he captured it.

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他毕竟是唯一马主,么有必要让杰德告诉他是咋了逮住马的。Above all, he were a horseman and tITe were no command for Jed to say him how he captured it.

表演者热情地向中国贵宾赠送斯特森骑士帽。A jockey enthusiastically presented a Stetson horseman hat to the distinguished Chinese guest.

人们可以躺在等待一些高岩,并在迄今为止前所未闻的范围远远低于创下骑手。One could lie in wait on some high crag, and at hitherto unheard-of range hit a horseman far below.