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他问道。"Hypothetically?" he asked.

我只是说假设。I just meant hypothetically.

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当然,我是在假设。I am, of course, speaking hypothetically.

但是在夏威夷岛民中,也有抱着怀疑态度夹杂着烦恼甚至愤怒的人,他们认为岛州至少在假想中会成为一个试验场。But among Hawaiians, skepticism is mixed with annoyance and even anger that their state, hypothetically at least, could be a testing ground.

假设系统可以做到你想要的,但却因为用户界面难用导致你无法使用,那么则是糟糕的。It's also no good if the system can hypothetically do what you want, but you can't make it happen because the user interface is too difficult.

这样的攻击可能让中国得以平衡美军的技术优势,因为美军非常依赖卫星获取战场数据。Such a strike could hypothetically allow China to counterbalance technologically superior U.S. forces, which rely heavily on satellites for battlefield data.

两年前,北韩在一个远程导弹试验地点进行了一次不成功的导弹试验。Two years ago, the North conducted an unsuccessful test at the site of a long-range missile hypothetically capable of reaching the continental United States.

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医学专家说,尽管理论上讲人类可以通过食用染病牛肉传染上变异的疯牛病,但实际上这种可能性微乎其微。Medical experts say it is hypothetically possible, though extremely unlikely, for people to contract a human variant of the disease by consuming tainted meat.

在流体动力学中多数问题可通过后一种方法解决,这意味着流体可被看做是一种连续体——也就是说,流体是一种假设的连续性物质。In most problems in fluid dynamics the latter approach is possible, which means that the fluid can be regarded as a continuum—that is, a hypothetically continuous substance.

然而,假如我们缺乏令人有满足感的工作、或相爱的伴侣,告诉我们这些是获得快乐的“必要条件”,只会让我们更容易寄希望于臆想中的“美好未来”。But if, say, we lack fulfilling work or a romantic relationship, being told that these are happiness “must haves” will only heighten our tendency to focus on a hypothetically rosy future.