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下了公路,他们拐上村庄的沙路。They turned off the highway onto the sandy Pueblo road.

陶斯美国新墨西哥州北部一村庄,位于陶斯镇的东北。A Pueblo people located north-northeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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美国西南部的普韦布洛人崇拜盐母。In the U. S. Southwest, the Pueblo people worship the Salt Mother.

这也是对奥沙的东科,在尤特和普韦布洛印第安人的家园。It was also the homeland of the Osage, the Kaw, the Ute and the Pueblo Indians.

一个玩具卡车提供了在他的家族在普韦布洛拖车一些亚历山大守夜娱乐。A toy truck provides some entertainment for Alexander Vigil outside his family's trailer in Pueblo.

离一个巨屋不远的地方有个阿尔托村庄,考古学家在那里发现了一个由古代材料堆积成的山包。Close to one house, called Pueblo Alto, archaeologists identified an enormous mound formed by a pile of old material.

这个研究揭示,在普韦布洛附近没有颁布戒烟令的区域,其心脏病发作的死亡病例数没有太大的变化。The researchers found no considerable change in the number of heart attacks in areas near Pueblo without smoking bans.

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研究人员说,他们发现,在禁令生效前的18个月里,这个城市因心脏病发作而住进医院的有399例。Researchers say they found there were 399 hospital admissions for heart attacks in Pueblo in the 18 months before the ban.

有一年的十二月份,我住在新墨西哥,那时正好哈雷彗星出现,我很想去观看。Last December, while living in a Zuni pueblo in New Mexico, I wanted to see Halley's Comet, which was reported to be visible at that time.

名称霍皮来自“霍皮”最古老的普韦布洛人,谁介绍了他们的伟大的医药知识和灵性到欧洲。The name Hopi derives from "The Hopi" the oldest Pueblo people , who introduced their great medicinal knowledge and spirituality to Europe.

大约公元750年,早期的印第安人开始建造在地面以上的有很多房间组成的街区建筑或村落。In about the year seven hundred fifty, the early Pueblo people began building square structures of large connected rooms, or pueblos, above ground.

游客中心和博物馆向广大游客提供了大量有关古代普韦布洛印第安人和现在印第安人的文化史料。The visitors' center and the museum provide information about the history of the culture of the ancient Pueblo people and about present-day Indians.

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然而,她说,这个项目正在寻求非普韦布洛印第安人的学生来学习,这样,这些学生就能了解普韦布洛印第安人的文化和传统。However, she says, the program is also seeking students who are not from the Pueblos so they can understand the traditions and culture of the Pueblo people.

早期的几个亚纳萨兹文化之一,它先于普韦布洛时期,以使用柳篮、旱耕和制陶为特色。Any of several early periods of Anasazi culture preceding the Pueblo periods and characterized by the use of wicker basketry, dry farming, and coiled pottery.

陶斯印第安村位于里奥格兰河的一个支流的山谷中,是用泥砖和石块建成的村落,它反映了亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的印第安人文明程度。Pueblo de Taos are located in the valley of the Rio grande river branch, a tribe with mud brick and stone reflects the Indian civilization of Arizona and new Mexico.

科罗拉多州的这些遗迹曾经是现在普韦布洛印第安部落的祖先的家园,纳瓦霍人称他们为Anasazi,他们是古代印第安人的一个分支,他们大约在1500多年前来到了梅萨维德,并在700年前离开了这个地方。The ruins in Colorado had been home to the ancestors of the present day members of the Pueblo tribes. They were named Anasazi, or ancient ones, by the Navajo Indians.

其祖先居住在此的现在的普韦布洛印第安人认为梅萨维德是一个神圣的地方,而对于全世界的游客来说,这里仍然保留着神秘和美丽。Today's Pueblo Indians whose ancestors lived in Mesa Verde consider it a sacred place. And for visitors from around the world, it remains a place of mystery and beauty.

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这个十字架是用来纪念1680年叛乱中的西班牙牺牲者的,当时这个地区的普韦布洛印第安人曾为了反抗遭受的虐待而进行了暴动,并烧毁了城市。The cross memorializes the Spanish victims of the 1680 revolt, when the region's Pueblo Indians rose up in violent protest against their mistreatment and burned the city.

普韦布洛曾经是一个集贸中心由土砖构成5层的楼房和16世纪欧洲人第一次登陆美洲时的样子几乎没有变化。Once a major trading center, the pueblo comprises adobe structures up to five stories high, which is similar to the way it appeared when European explorers first arrived, in the 16th century.

作为里海大学篇无国界工程的联合顾问,她在普韦布落,新拉雷多,洪都拉斯帮助引导他们设计和建造一个20,000加仑的蓄水箱和氯化装置。As a co-adviser to Lehigh's chapter of Engineers Without Borders, she helped lead efforts to design and build a 20,000-gallon water-storage tank and chlorination system in Pueblo Nuevo, Honduras.