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这项研究的对象是南非大狒狒。It's a study of the chacma baboon.

狒狒无形中成了他们的向导。The baboon has become their unwilling guide.

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只要狒狒紧抓住想要的东西不放手,它就会被牢牢困住。As long as the baboon holds on to what it wants, it's trapped.

当悟空目视月亮之时,他变身成一个8-9英尺高的巨猿。Goku turns into a 8-9 feet tall giant baboon when he looks at the moon.

图片上的母猴与子猴都是5种非洲橄榄猴的种类之一。Olive baboons, like this mother and baby, are one of five baboon species.

我想我跟你提过,医生养了一头印度豹和一头狒狒。I think that I mentioned to you that the doctor kept a cheetah and a baboon.

对狒狒,你先奖励它的小进步,然后是大一点的进步,接着是更大的进步。With the baboon you first reward a hop, then a bigger hop, then an even bigger hop.

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研究人员表示狒狒间社会关系的质量与稳定程度比数量更关键。The quality and stability of baboon relationships trump quantity, the researchers say.

杭州野生动物园,一只狒狒热得不行,直接吃起了冰盖来消暑。A baboon enjoying an ice lolly to cool off at Hangzhou Wild Animal Zoo, Hangzhou, China

夏洛克是一头二十四岁的成年雄性狒狒,按人类年龄来算,他已有九十岁。Sherlock was a male baboon who, at the age of twenty-four, was about ninety in human terms.

你若是粉红豹,你的爱情自会如黄蜂跟兰花,猫跟狒狒。Be the Pink Panther and your loves will be like the wasp and the orchid, the cat and the baboon.

在粮农组织工作的雷内•苏德克说,狒狒一旦被蛇做的三明治吓到后就不太可能再回来了。Rene Czudek at the FAO says a baboon frightened by a snake sandwich will probably not come back.

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他看见过他帮助一位在狒狒袭击中失去孩子的母亲埋葬孩子的遗骸。He had seen Roland help a mother whose baby had been half-eaten by a rogue baboon bury her child.

一只狒狒正在做后空翻,一位特技演员正在完成高空镜头,一名奥林匹克运动员正在跳探戈。A baboon doing a back flip, a stunt man perfecting his fight scene, an Olympic athlete dancing the tango.

这一严酷的景观,有时被称为非洲阿尔卑斯山,是唯一的濒危狒狒。This harsh landscape, sometimes called the African Alps, is the only home of the endangered gelada baboon.

这一严酷的风景,有时被称为非洲的阿尔卑斯山,那些濒危灭绝的狮尾狒和狒狒。This harsh landscape, sometimes called the African Alps, is the only home of the endangered gelada baboon.

我们发现蝙蝠体内有一个很成熟的胎儿,那只狒狒也在此事过后五天生了幼仔。We found a very developed foetus from the bat, and the baboon gave birth five days after the event was witnessed.

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说,他在位于圣安东尼奥的国家西南灵长类动物研究中心工作,曾协助将一群狒狒变肥。Comuzzie, who helped create an obese baboon colony at the Southwest National Primate Research Center in San Antonio.

那个商店里的装饰也很独特。一个壁挂式斑马头手表。在放着贝壳和头骨的玻璃柜里装满了旧书。Inside, a wall-mounted zebra head watches over glass cabinets stuffed with old books, seashells and the skull of a baboon.

在粮农组织工作的雷内•苏德克说,狒狒一旦被蛇做的三明治吓到后就不太可能再回来了。They also have good memories. Rene Czudek at the FAO says a baboon frightened by a snake sandwich will probably not come back.