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分片和重组。Segmentation and reassembly.

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他们会犯些分割句子的问题They get problems of segmentation.

视频图像的实时分割处理。Real-time video image segmentation.

这样就会建立细分模式。This builds the segmentation model.

车牌图像定位与分割。VLP image location and segmentation.

这允许把用户内存分割为更多的段。This allows more segmentation of user memory.

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基于用户分类的混合解决方案。Solution-stack mix based on user segmentation.

而L2P首要的任务就是字素切分。The first task of L2P is grapheme segmentation.

主题词的切分是自动标引的第一步。The first step in automatic index is keyword segmentation.

体数据分割是体素建模的前提。Volume data segmentation is the premise of voxel modeling.

本文提出了基于勒让得矩的纹理分割方法。We present a Legendre moment based segmentation algorithm.

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首先,进行视频分割和提取关键帧。Firstly, we do video segmentation and key frame extraction.

这会打开一个包含细分模式的新窗口。This opens a new window that contains the segmentation model.

文本分割将文本分离为单独的词或标记。Text segmentation splits text into individual words or tokens.

文章提出了一个图像区域分割算法。A new region segmentation algorithm is presented in this paper.

另外,对语料库构建过程中的自动分词技术进行改进。Besides, it improves the way of the automatic words segmentation.

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最后,可以做基于分水岭的图像分割计算。Finally we are ready to compute the watershed-based segmentation.

蒙文字母切分方法的研究与实现。Research and realization of Mongolian letter segmentation method.

该技术的一个问题就是如何实现分段。An issue with this technique is how to implement the segmentation.