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沿着几个分支传递非共享数据Passing unshared data along several branches

于是所有的子单元都会自动称为非共享的。All the nested subunits automatically become unshared.

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不同的非共享数据沿各个分支传递。Different, unshared data is passed along the branches.

沿着几个分支传递共享和非共享数据Passing shared and unshared data along several branches

没有人分享的人生,无论面对的是快乐还是痛苦,都是一种惩罚。An unshared life, be it joyful or in pain, is a punishment.

向导已成功停止对所有共享文件夹的共享。The wizard successfully unshared all of the shared folders.

以只读和非共享方式打开指定文件中的加密包。Open the encrypted package in the specified file as read only and unshared.

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在此之后,挂载事件就会在后面的非共享名称空间之间传播。After this, mount events will be propagated between subsequently unshared namespaces.

以非共用模式和指定的存取权,开启指定之档案中的加密封装。Open the encrypted package in the specified file as unshared and with the specified access.

独享接入用户,我公司提供光纤收发器,需用户提供2600或以上型号路由器。Our company provides fiber transceivers for unshared user of switch-in and needs 2600 or above type of router.

对于非共享数据沿着不同的可选或并行分支流动的情况,很多用户会经不住诱惑而使用网关形式。When unshared data flows along different alternative or parallel branches, many users are tempted to use gateway form.

因为不能分享之前未共享的信息,结果会诊组做出了不准确的诊断。Because groups which didn't pool previously unshared information had less to go on, consequently they made less accurate diagnoses.

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如果您需要对没有被流程模型中各分支共享的不同业务项进行建模,您必须使用活动形式。If you need to model how different, unshared business items flow along the branches in a process model, you must use activity form.

回到这个熟悉而又陌生的角落,重拾那些曾经的回忆,以及与新朋故友继续分享即将开始的新生活。Now I'm firmly back to this corner, back to the shared and unshared memories of the past, and ready to present my life from a new start.

在为使用非共享数据的可选分支流建立模型时,您需要正确地定义活动的输入和输出条件。When modeling alternative branching flows that work on unshared data you need to correctly define the input and output criteria of the activities.

而一旦共享出去就不能撤销,除非修改这个凭证,而这又会导致此授权在所有站点失效,而不仅仅在那个我们想屏蔽的站点。It also cannot be unshared once handed out except for changing it which will void access to every site, not just the one the user intends to block.

然而,实验发现参加者间还是发生了只共享共同知晓的信息却不分享自己的信息的老问题。What the experimenters found, though, was the classic dynamic where participants spent more time discussing shared rather than unshared information.

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孤独,使我们的经历不可分享而变得没有意义,独自一人欣赏日落不视为壮观,所花费的时间是空洞而无意义的。Alone, we accept that experiences unshared are barely worthwhile, that sunsets viewed singly are not as spectacular, that time spent apart is fallow and pointless.

当为复杂的数据流建立模型时,请根据共享或非共享数据是否要沿几个流传递,区分为不同的情况,并在此基础上采取一种系统化的方法。When modeling complex data flows, take a systematic approach based on situations that distinguish whether shared or unshared data has to be passed along several flows.

对于数据流建模,我们为用户提供了一套系统化的方法,用户可以用这一方法评估他们是否是沿着几条可选或并行分支传递共享或非共享数据的。For data-flow modeling, we provide users with a systematic approach where they evaluate whether theyâ ™re passing shared or unshared data along several alternative or parallel branches.