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油漆和涂料。Paint and stain.

可以去掉这块污渍吗?Cay you remove the stain?

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我们记得斑斑的血渍。We remember a blood stain.

白衣服容易弄脏。White clothes stain easily.

这墨水渍擦不掉。This ink stain won't rub out.

颊部有紫蓝色斑点。Buccal have purplish blue stain.

墨水留下一个洗不掉的污渍。The ink made an indelible stain.

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无原罪就是“无污点“的意思“Immaculate means "without stain."

他衬衫上有块墨渍。He's got an ink stain on his shirt.

我研究着空心天花板上的一个污点。I examine a stain on the tile ceiling.

玛丽轻拭裙子上的污迹。Mary dabbed at the stain on her skirt.

你裙子上的污迹弄掉了吗?Did you get the stain out of your skirt?

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我使劲地擦也擦不掉那污迹?。I rubbed hard but the stain wouldn't go.

泼翻的墨水把桌布染成蓝色。Wash an ink stain out of the tablecloth.

自信是与生俱来的你们谁都擦不掉。Confidence is a stain they cant wipe off.

只是别把它弄脏了,而且一定要言行检点。Only don't stain it, and do behave nicely.

丽春红染色液的配制。Preparation of the Ponceau's stain liquid.

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你可以用汽油去掉那个污渍。You can use petrol to take out that stain.

我使劲擦也擦不掉那污迹。I rubbed hard but the stain just wouldn't go.

这条污痕体现了时间的流逝。The line of the stain shows the flow of time.