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这就是笛卡尔沉思或者叫反思之思。This is the Cartesian or reflective cogito.

轻低能见度的反光元素。Reflective elements for low-light visibility.

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买鞋的时候顺便买些反光装置。While you're there, buy some reflective gear.

它的反射能力甚至比黑色丙烯酸涂料还差。It’s less reflective than black acrylic paint.

会反思的战士有一种悲剧敏感性。Reflective warriors have a tragic sensibility.

这一年对于属马的朋友来说是深思熟虑的一年。This will be a reflective year for you, Horse.

我们这些喜爱丽都岛马车沉思着溜蹄的人并不希望这样。We who love the Lido gig's reflective pace hope not.

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还对反思性教学的理论基础进行了概括。I have sketched out the theory of reflective teaching.

棕梠蜡在天然型态下并不具有很高的亮度表现。Carnauba wax isn't exactly super reflective in natural form.

听到消息后,他们安静地坐著,陷入沈思的静默中。After hearing the news they sat in quiet, reflective silence.

反光元素,让你在低光照条件下可见。Reflective elements keep you visible in low-light conditions.

这种海堤能把大部分的入射波浪能量反射。These seawalls are highly reflective of incident wave energy.

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如果R是自反和传递的,则这个映射是连续的。If R is reflective and transitive, then the map is continuous.

思维迅速,反应敏捷,不喜欢沉思和哲学。Quick thinking, quick-witted, not reflective or philosophical.

半刚性基层沥青路面普遍存在反射裂缝。Reflective crack widely exists in semi-rigid base AC pavement.

如果天色暗时在室外锻炼,则需要穿上可以反光的衣服。If it's dark when you exercise outside, wear reflective clothing.

他们上了车,坐在马车的前面,亚伯拉罕开始沉思起来。They mounted in front of the waggon, and Abraham grew reflective.

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无论如何,海水对雷达波的反射性都不如金属。Seawater is in any case less reflective of radar waves than metal.

布尔什维克统治的俄罗斯不需要布尔加科夫这样的思想家。Bolshevik Russia had no need for reflective thinkers like Bulgakov.

深色的海水吸收的阳光比颜色更亮、反射率大的冰面吸收的阳光要多。Dark ocean water absorbs more sunlight than bright, reflective ice.