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“那么,”弗兰兹大声说道,“这是印度大麻了!"Then" cried franz "it is hashish !

这位老人有嚼食印度大麻的习惯。This old man has a habit of chewing hashish.

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接下来的日子,充满但是观光,性和大麻。The next few days were full sightseeing, sex and hashish.

在麻药品店里他买了些蟑螂夹子和烟管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

他在幻觉用品商店买了一些大麻卷烟烟蒂夹子和大麻吸食管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

我猜这计划会让美国大兵享受到免费的摩洛哥哈希什毒品。I guess that meant free Moroccan hashish joints for every GI Joe.

他们选择的是一种他们称为“黑煞”的烈性麻醉剂。Their drug of choice was a potent intoxicant they called hashish.

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当他吐气时,他的眼睛立刻消失在大麻的烟雾中。When he breathed out his eyes disappeared momentarily behind a haze of hashish.

他冷静地把一小块大麻拆成小球,然后洒在一支香烟上。He calmly dismantled a small chunk of hashish into small balls which he sprinkled into a cigarette.

当局还声称,他们发现的碎片在他的一个袋内,他们认为是印度大麻。Authorities also claim they discovered fragments in one of his bags which they believe to be hashish.

这些都再明显不过地表明,我们是被我们自己的社会抛弃的渣滓。With our cheap clothes, hashish habits and -dreadlocks, we were clearly the unwanted scum of our own societies.

如果本雅明在他的大麻幻觉里,发现了一种神秘的语言,那是因为他太热切地想要找到这种语言了。If Benjamin discovered a mystic language in his hashish trance, it is because he so fervently wanted to discover it.

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1970年,只有23岁的美国学生比尔。海耶斯因为要将大麻走私出土耳其而被逮捕。Twenty-three-year-old American student Billy Hayes was arrested in 1970 for attempting to smuggle hashish out of Turkey.

他想起了自己是怎样到达这个小岛,怎样被介绍给了一个走私贩子的首领,怎样进入了一座富丽堂皇的地下宫殿,怎样享用了一顿山珍海味的晚餐,怎样咽下了一匙大麻。He recalled his arrival on the island, his presentation to a smuggler chief, a subterranean palace full of splendor, an excellent supper, and a spoonful of hashish.

当被盘问时,这名瘾君子还告诉大惑不解的警官,他还想按照传统给这颗"树"添加更多的饰物,在树下摆满礼物。When asked, the hashish fan told the perplexed officers that he had intended to add more decorations to the "tree" and place the presents under it, according to tradition.