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我感到作为一名火炬手很高兴。I feel so good as the torchbearer.

作为火炬手,你如何表达自己的心情?What's the feeling to be a torchbearer ?

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于是,我又憧憬着能够成为一名火炬手。Then, i began to long for to be a torchbearer.

第一位持火炬者是曼谷的副市长。The first torchbearer is a vice mayor of Bangkok.

我的奥林匹克梦实现了,我是火炬手。In my dream my Olympic dream came true. I was a torchbearer.

古代的泛希腊奥运会从来没有组织过火炬接力或手持火炬赛跑。Ancient Greek had never organized the torch relay or torchbearer race.

桑兰现在只能坐在轮椅上,她现在是2008北京奥运会的官方火炬手。Sang, who uses a wheelchair, is an official torchbearer for the 2008 Olympics.

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是吗!嗯,她真了不起。我知道她在北京奥运会上还是一个火炬传递手。So has she? Hmm, she is great and I know she was also a torchbearer in Beijing Olympics.

邻近火炬传递者的是中国的火炬护卫,外边由列队的巴黎警察包围。Closest to the torchbearer would be the Chinese torch escorts, with Paris police on rollerblades moving around them.

本文着力探讨的,是作为介于启蒙者与代言人之间的知识分子的赵树理。In this paper, what the writer puts effort to study is Zhao Shuli, an intellect between torchbearer and spokesperson.

勇敢保护奥运火炬的金晶也号称自己是一名“骨灰级”魔兽粉丝。Jin Jing, the wheelchair-bound Olympic torchbearer who defended the Olympic torch, also says she is an extreme gamer.

柳开是北宋古文运动的启蒙者、先驱者。Liu Kai was a torchbearer and forthgoer in ancient Chinese prose campaign in the early period of Northern Song dynasty.

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7月7日,火炬手李舒在传递途中亲吻大地。当日,北京奥运圣火在甘肃兰州传递。Torchbearer Li Shu kisses the land as carrying the torch during the Torch Relay in Lanzhou city, Gansu province, on July 7.

契弗的书之所以脱离了公众的视线,部分原因是他的作品缺少像霍尔顿·考菲尔德一样富有魅力的主人公。Cheever's books have slipped from public notice in part because his oeuvre lacks a charismatic torchbearer like Holden Caulfield.

火炬手布伦达Eckalook进行了坚决的海湾,加拿大努纳武特,星期一,2009年11月9号在冰冻的海湾奥运圣火。Torchbearer Brenda Eckalook carries the Olympic Flame across the frozen bay in Resolute Bay, Nunavut Canada, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009.

刘翔是受大运会火炬手选拔方可口可乐公司邀请,担任此次活动的形象大使。Liu was chosen by Coca-Cola, the sponsor of the torchbearer selection, to take on an ambassadorial role in supporting the campaign.

2008年6月26日,北京奥运圣火传递来到龙城太原,跑第一棒的是歌手谭晶。Torchbearer Tan Jing smiles as she runs with the Beijing Olympic torch during its relay in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, June 26, 2008.

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每位火炬手在5.4公里、途经教学楼、宿舍楼及体育馆的接力路线上跑60米的距离。Each torchbearer ran 60 meters on the 5.4-kilometer relay route, which passed the school's teaching buildings, dormitories and stadiums.

一名澳大利亚的火炬手也说她退出了星期四奥运火炬在堪培拉的传递,因为不想涉及到中国的人权记录。An Australian torchbearer also said she was pulling out of Thursday's relay in Canberra out of concerns over China's human rights record.

在印度从社会主义走向自由民主的阶段,柯里亚已经成为印度建筑业的领军人物。By the time India moved from Socialism to liberalization, Correa had already established himself as the torchbearer of Indian architecture.