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专注于每一口。Focus on each mouthful.

但最后,她喝了一口。Finally she took a mouthful.

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它一口就能吞下这条鱼。The fish was devoured in one mouthful

他急切贪婪地吸了一口烟。He eagerly snuffled a mouthful of smoke.

你在聚会中的话的确是说得真妙!You really said a mouthful at the party.

羊每叫一次,就少吃一口。Every time the sheep bleats it loses a mouthful.

他游泳时呛了一口水。He choked on a mouthful of water while swimming.

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她每喝完一口茶都让自己的薄嘴唇带出严肃的表情。She prims her thin lips after every mouthful of tea.

他一口没吃好使他噎住了。A mouthful went down the wrong way and made him choke.

千万不要塞得满嘴的食物,慢慢一口一口吃。Do not Cypriots in the mouthful of food, a one eat slowly.

对于一项非常简单的技术来说,这是一个很绕口的缩写词。That's a mouthful of an acronym for a very simple technology.

伊云飞邃将烟点着,吸了一口。Yi cloud flies Sui to order smoke and absorbed an one mouthful.

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你呢,叫你‘卡门·艾尔茜拉’我一直觉得拗口。And you, well, ‘Carmen Elcira’ has always been a mouthful for me.

我走过去,喝了一口,然后就失去了知觉。I went there and swallowed a mouthful. Then I lost consciousness.

总之,一口不吃是绝对不科学的。In fine, the one mouthful doesn't eat is absolute not scientific.

那人说一月中旬我们会冻僵的,他说得很对。The man who said we'd be frozen up in mid-January said a mouthful.

在这样一个完美的夜晚,月饼是不可或缺的美食。To round off the celebrations, a mouthful of mooncake is essential.

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将花瓣含在嘴里,让满嘴都是春的气息。With the petals in your mouth, spring atmosphere pervades mouthful.

埃德加倒了一些在他的碟子里,也咽不下一口。Edgar had made a slop in his saucer, and scarcely swallowed a mouthful.

但是她一咬了一口就倒在地上死了。But no sooner had she taken one mouthful than she fell on the ground dead.