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实际上这源于一个经典威尼斯菜谱。It is actually a domestication of a classic Venetian recipe.

我们如何开始,驯化意志型的?How can we begin Glaucon? the domestication of the spirited Glaucon?

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我们如何开始,驯化意志型的?How can we begin Glaucon? the domestication of the spirited Glaucon?

她很害怕受人类驯化。She was quite afraid to be subjected to the domestication of humans.

驯养大型动物对人类文化史有什么影响?How did domestication of large animals affect human cultural history?

即有计划地种植食物和饲养动物That was the planful growing of food and the domestication of animals.

这就是归化与异化相互作用的结果。That is the result of interaction between Foreignization and Domestication.

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采用驯化与紫外线诱变并用的方法研制茶酒酵母。Methods of domestication and UV mutagenesis were used to prepare tea wine yeast.

过于强调任何一种都是片面的,不科学的。Overemphasis of domestication or foreignization is one-sided and not scientific.

猫类驯化最早的确凿证据来自9千5百年前在赛普勒斯。The oldest hard evidence for domestication comes from 9,500 years ago in Cyprus.

第十七条国家鼓励驯养繁殖野生动物。Article 17. The state shall encourage the domestication and breeding of wildlife.

马术表演、马术培训、马匹驯养都是其特色项目。Featured projects are horse shows, equestrianism training and horse domestication.

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初步摸索出驯化栽培松乳菇的方法。The methods of domestication and cultivation Lactarius deliciosus were groped preliminarily.

本文还就长白山区野生观赏树木资的保护、利用与引种驯化提出了具体建议。Suggestions are given for protection, utilization and domestication of these wild ornamental trees.

翻译有文化异质性转喻的这七种策略可以分为归化、异化两大类。The first three methods could be assigned to foreignization and the last four methods domestication.

狗是如何适应与人类亲密相处的?在驯养过程中发生了什么?How is it that dogs are so adapted to humans, and what's happened during the process of domestication?

要创造出多年生作物,直接驯化野生的多年生植物,是较直截了当的做法。Direct domestication of wild perennials is the more straightforward approach to creating perennial crops.

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作品以花园的水管和火柴等家常用品为借喻手段,开始利用家居生活形像化地表现这种失落感。The domestication of this pattern of loss begins with the homely images of the garden hose and the match.

目前我国引进和驯化栽培成功的食用菌已达80多个种。Nowadays, the number of indraught and domestication of the eatable mushrooms adds up to more than 80 types.

所以,「狗与人之间的社交技巧,是在驯化的过程中获得的。」Therefore, "dogs' social- communicative skills with humans were acquired during the process of domestication."