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这还是执法人员梅尔文·珀维斯的故事,他被J。This is also the story of the lawman , Melvin Purvis, set to task by J.

梅尔文·珀维斯是一位方下巴的执法者,他在最后找到自己。Melvin Purvis is a square-jawed lawman who finds himself in the deep end.

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他突然想到,他甚至无法向警察证实自己的身份。It occurs to the man that he cannot even certify his own personality to the lawman.

中国的巨大市场是敞开的,且如果你同当地的执法者有密切关系会很有帮助。Huge areas of China are wide open, and it helps if you are chums with the local lawman.

中国大片的区域有待开拓,如果你与当地领导搞好关系将会事半功倍。Huge areas of China are up for grabs, and it helps if you are chums with the local lawman.

一定程度上,它方便了执法者对违法经营类案件的处理。In the certain extent, it has facilitated the lawman to illegal business case's processing.

还有一个纪念执法者埃利奥特·内斯的碑,他的骨灰撒在了韦德池。Rockefeller's grave, and a monument to lawman Eliot Ness, whose ashes were scattered in Wade Pond.

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执法者一旦率性而为,漠视法律或者玩弄法律,其带来严重的后果远远不止是对法律本身的伤害。Once lawman might as well, but is, ignores the law or plays with the law, it brings the serious consequence to continue is to by far law's injury.

独行侠是一名德州骑警,骑警是一类执法官员。当他的整个团队遇袭被害时,只有他幸存了下来,因此他得名独行侠。The Lone Ranger was a Texas Ranger, a type of lawman. When his entire team was attacked and killed, he was left alone -- hence the name, Lone Ranger.

我国新刑法尽管规定了法人犯罪,但仍然还有许多理论和实践问题需要解决。Though crimes committed by a lawman are acknowledged by China' s new criminal law, it has had many practical and theoretical problems needed to solve.

这是她的父亲与来自名为鸡科本坚韧不拔的执法官帮助杀手的故事,一个年轻女孩的搜索,在新片发挥杰夫布里奇斯。It's the story of a young girl's search for her father's killer with help from a gritty lawman named Rooster Cogburn, played in the new film by Jeff Bridges.

不过有些人说,格瑞特和邦尼之间友谊使执法者让歹徒逃走并把另一个人的尸体放在这座著名的墓碑下面。Some say, however, that the friendship between Garrett and Bonney led the lawman to let the outlaw go and another man's body lies beneath the famous headstone.

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他们表示很担心这档节目会美化这位引起无数争议的县司法长官,并无视他在下辖菲尼克斯市的该县十六年高级执法长官任期内的阴暗面。They say they fear the show will give the controversial sheriff positive publicity, ignoring what they call a darker side to his 16-year tenure as top lawman in the county that includes Phoenix.