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从裁剪上来讲,定做的西装是最好的。For tailoring options, the bespoke suit is the finest.

脚本编写人员可以通过该清单执行预定信号。These can be used by the script author to do bespoke signals.

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基于最初的表格开始纵横字填字游戏或者创建一个显示表格。Start the crossword based on a stock grid or create a bespoke grid.

莉斯穿着礼服,从着装可看出她要去的是一个隆重的场合。Liz wore a dress. That in itself bespoke the seriousness of the occasion.

这将使得游戏更加量身定制的球员的比赛日的需要。These will make the game even more bespoke to the player's match day needs.

同时为著名歌唱家、演员设计定制珠宝首饰。Also designed bespoke jewelry for well known singers and actresses in China.

如果你有六、七双定制鞋,那就够穿25年了。When you have six or seven pairs of bespoke shoes, you are okay for 25 years.

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拥有一个自主专用的风洞给迈凯伦—梅赛德斯车队带来很多的优势。Having its own bespoke wind tunnel gives Team McLaren Mercedes many advantages.

即使在改进之后,智能手机还是远比定做的装备便宜。Even with modifications, the phones will still be far cheaper than bespoke devices.

这样的床上活动建立了如今在印度已经式微的某种家庭归属感。Such bed behavior bespoke a certain kind of family belonging that is now fading in India.

英国威廉斯使用最好的皮革造出了预期的或者是极品行李。Using the finest leather Williams British creates bespoke or limited edition quality luggages.

我们提供定制服务来帮助公司和公共组织减少碳排放。We offer a bespoke service to help companies and public organisations reduce carbon emissions.

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我们需要订做束身衣和珠宝首饰,来需要在靴子上装饰明显的红色花边。And we have bespoke corsets and jewellery, and we all have boots obviously with red-trimmed laces.

她还年轻,五官端正,脸色平静,从面部轮廓可以看出种种压抑,甚至还有某种坚强。She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repressions and even a certain strength.

内部定制的手绘木厨房是按照客户的具体要求设计的。Internally a bespoke hand-painted timber kitchen has been designed to our clients exact requirements.

主要办公楼层由一个悬挂式、三倍高度且带有定制的玻璃吊灯的楼梯井。The main office floors are linked by a triple-height stairwell hung with bespoke glass pendant lights.

我们的客户定制内部设计师可以使用刺绣和镶嵌工艺来使车的内部个性化。Our Bespoke interior designers can also use embroidery and marquetry to personalise the inside of the car.

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这是一本杂志中插入,它可以进行电子信息和定制的附加功能,例如一瓶开放。It is a magazine insert, which can carry electronic information and bespoke extras, such as bottle openers.

他说话时虽然用的是开玩笑的语气,可是颤动的浓眉却反映出了内心的失望和恼怒。He had spoken in jesting vein but the twitching of his bushy eyebrows bespoke his disappointment and irritation.

在接待区,定制的大桌连同后面的柜子用于接待并管理患者。At the reception zone, a large bespoke desk together with the back cabinetry host the patient welcome and management.