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我凉鞋坏了,你能给修修吗?Can you fix my broken sandal?

使每一天的科迪亚克凉鞋的冒险。Make every day an adventure with the Kodiak sandal.

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飘逸长裙加上草帽凉鞋,实为柔和搭配。No. My cockle hat and staff and his my sandal shoon.

没有。我那顶用海扇壳装饰的帽子、手杖和既是他的也是我的草鞋。No. My cockle hat and staff and his my sandal shoon.

凉鞋由于经常穿,鞋带快磨断了。Constant use had fretted the sandal strap to the breaking point.

一双可以在寂静的房间中行走,一双可以在如此的夏日中行走的凉鞋就是安的梦。What Ann wants is sandal to walk in the summer, in the silence of the house.

穿戴者应该在穿凉鞋之前贴上绷带贴。Sandal wearers should apply the block stick to the feet before putting on sandals.

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金属皮革上,在罗马两件式凉鞋单位的作风与全面开放的脚趾。Metallic leather upper in a Roman two-piece flat sandal style with a round open toe.

那人对波阿斯说,你自己买吧。于是将鞋脱下来了。So the kinsman -redeemer said to Boaz, "Buy it yourself. " And he removed his sandal.

但有了这样一双多用途的凉鞋,你可以随时应对任何状况。But with a great multipurpose sandal like this, your shoes will be ready for anything.

办公室里所有的职位都要求穿满帮鞋,不能穿便鞋或凉鞋。In all standard office positions you have to wear closed toe shoes not slip-ons and a sandal.

办公室里所有的职位都要求穿满帮鞋,不能穿便鞋或凉鞋。In all standard office positions, you have to wear closed toe shoes, not slip-ons and a sandal.

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我患脚气病已有几年了,一到夏季需换上凉鞋才行。I suffer from beriberi to already had a few years, need to change sandal to just go to the summer.

对女性而言,大脚趾露出一点不要紧,只要是穿带鞋带的高跟拖鞋,但是男士就最好不要。For women, it is OK to show some of toe, as long as it's in a high-heeled strappy sandal. But for men, it.

它是梵语文学中的马拉雅山地带,产小豆蔻蔓和檀香树。It is the tract of the Malaya Hills of Sanskrit literature where grow the cardamum creeper and the Sandal Tree.

它是用于减少凉鞋和你的皮肤所产生的摩擦。Band-Aid Friction Block Stick works by reducing the friction cause by the rubbing of the sandal against your skin.

所不同的是披散的长发用个手绢束住,脚上也多了一双拖鞋。The differences were that her long and loose hair was bound by a handkerchief and a pair of sandal was on her feet.

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妳很适合在鞋上做文章。妳最爱的鞋子的风格是那种露出脚趾的凉鞋,它能将妳时髦的趾环展示出来。Shoes R You, and one of your favorite shoe styles is the open-toed sandal in order to display your snazzy toe rings.

红军草鞋是我们的祖先和革命先辈留给我们的宝贵物质财富和精神财富。The red army straw sandal is precious material wealth and spiritual wealth. which ancestor and revolutionist gave to us.

亲人代赎者脱鞋象征放弃产权,放弃赎地的权利和娶路得。The kinsman redeemer by removing his sandal means that he has given up his rights of redeeming the property and also Ruth.