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夜,款款地来到高原上。Night slowly reached the tableland.

土壤主要由砾质台地和粘土组成。The landis composedofgravelly tableland and clay soil.

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从理化成分与矿物质含量来看,老树茶与台地茶各有千秋,不能简单、武断地讲谁优谁劣、谁好谁差。From component and the content of mineral, old plant tea and tableland tea have their own top quality.

最冷的地区在塔斯马尼亚的高原地带及台地和大陆的东南角。The coldest area is in the plateau area of Tasmania and southeast corner of the tableland and mainland.

因此,这个极具神秘色彩的高原之巅一直就没有人造访过,人们对它的向往与兴趣继续高涨。So, the summit of this mysterious tableland remained unvisited, and fascination and intrigue continued to grow.

下魏洛遗址位于陕西省旬邑县赤道乡下魏洛村南的黄土台地上。Xiaweiluo site is located at a loess tableland of the southern Xiaweiluo Village, Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province.

西北高原地区是大陆高原气候,有漫长而寒冷的冬季,凉爽而湿润的夏季。The northwestern tableland area has a continental plateau climate with long and chilly winter and cool humid summer.

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通过对该地层中岩石特征及沉积环境等方面的分析,认为该区在研究层段内属于碳酸盐台地相。According to the analysis of rocks features and sedimentary environment, the section pertains to carbonate tableland facies.

利用人工网捕等方法对内蒙古高原东南缘森林-草原交错带节肢动物群落的多样性进行调查。The community diversity of arthropod was investigated in forest-steppe ecotone in southeast edge of Inner Mongolia tableland.

燧石山地处白垩质高原的中心,直到现在还没有火车通到这儿,所以她只有靠步行到那儿去。Flintcomb-Ash being in the middle of the cretaceous tableland over which no railway had climbed as yet, it would be necessary to walk.

常规层析静校正技术用于黄土塬地区弯宽线资料处理难以达到合理的精度。Conventional tomostatics cannot reach the reasonable accuracy in processing the data from crooked wide line geometry in Loess Tableland.

因此,建议开展高原环境下单阀试验标准和试验方法的系统研究,为高原铁路安全开行提供保障。So, develop the system research for the single distributing vale experiment method and standard will safeguard for the tableland railway.

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台原土壤优良持水特性是黄土旱源优势的生态条件。The behavior of good soil field holding capacity on the tableland area is the superior advantage of ecological conditions for this region.

研究表明,白鹿塬塬区确定土壤侵蚀的主要依据是土层厚度的变化,并非侵蚀面。The study shows that the identified sign of soil erosion of Bailu tableland are not erosive surface, but is the change of soil's thickness.

结论抗氧化剂茶多酚是降低急性高原反应、促进高原习服的良好预防用药。Conclusion Tea polyphenols antioxidant is helpful to decrease the acute altitude stress syndrom and to enhance the adaption to the tableland.

很多敬畏的探险家回来后对高原的壮丽景象进行了绘画与素描,它们的作品让欧洲及其他地方的观众赞叹不已。Many of the awe-struck explorers produced spectacular paintings or sketches of the great tableland that amazed audiences in Europe and beyond.

根据作者的观察和测量,文章对长安县少陵塬区土壤侵蚀特征和侵蚀规律进行了研究。On the basis of authors observation and survey, soil erosion characters and erosive regularity were studied for Shaoling tableland of Chang an County.

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酷热的非洲,几乎没有适于航海的河流,这些河流从内陆高原到海岸平原一路穿瀑布、过险滩,倾流而下。Few of tropical Africa's rivers are navigable from the ocean, dropping as they do from interior tableland to coastal plains by a series of falls and rapids.

山西铝土矿是堆积-沉积在长期风化的华北碳酸盐台地上的古风化壳型或古风化壳型稀有稀土铝土矿。Shanxi bauxite, a paleresiduum or paleresiduum RE bauxite, is aggraded -sedimentated on the carbonate tableland of North China which is weathered over a long period.

为了保障青藏铁路一流的高原铁路安全运营,提出了建设青藏铁路综合监控中心系统。Comprehensive monitoring and control system of Qingzang railway is put forward to be built in order to guarantee the safety operation for the high-class tableland railway.