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她继续平静地工作着。Tranquilly she went on with her work.

因为生活始终很“平静”。Because lives throughout very "tranquilly".

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在混水中静悄悄地摸鱼的艺术。The art of fishing tranquilly in troubled water.

耕牛恬静地卧在一旁,等待主人的召唤。Farm cattle laid aside the field tranquilly , awaiting their masters' calling.

我回来时她正坐在沙发上,她抬起了头,平静地看着我。She sits in the sofa when I came in, She raises her head and looks at me tranquilly.

而亨利·阿姆斯特朗却与这种恐怖气氛相冲突,只是“不声不响地坐了起来”。Sunk in this grim stage Henry Armstrong fails to hold to the tone and simply "tranquilly sat up".

不过,李凯很快就完成了破门,让看台上归于平静。However, Li Kai very quick completed has forced a door open, lets on the stand belong to tranquilly.

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尽管我并不害怕与你争斗,可我愿意与你平静地处理我们之间的问题。I'd like to tranquilly deal with the problems between us, even though I don't fear to hassle with you.

在暗淡的灯光下,酒店像是静静地漂浮在尼罗河的两岸,四周的花园中种满了摇曳的棕榈树和蕨类植物。In the dim light it seemed to float tranquilly on the banks of the Nile, among gardens of swaying palms and ferns.

在他们安静地存在并且成为其他人彷效的典范时,他们传播与分享着他们爱的能量。They spread and share their loving energy as they tranquilly go about living and being examples for others to emulate.

在那些胆大无畏安安静静走来观看这场骇人事件的汉子中,好些人都把头转了过去。Many of those intrepid men, who had so tranquilly entered upon the most terrible of adventures, turned aside their heads.

他最后设计的一层房子如今仍然静静地坐落在华山路上海戏剧学院的草坪上。The one-story house he finally built still stands tranquilly on the lawn of the Shanghai Theater Academy on Huashan Road.

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他馋涎欲滴地望着那塞满五香碎肉的一束束发亮的腊肠,并且安详地吸着调了香料做熟的猪血所发散出来的温暾气儿。The shiny links packed with forcemeat fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pig's blood.

也就是在那一刹那,天空突然雷声大震,一个青天霹雳震得山摇地动,而亨利·姆斯特朗却不声不响地坐了起来。At that instant the air sprang to flame, a cracking shock of thunder shook the stunned world and Henry Armstrong tranquilly sat up.

他馋涎欲滴地望着那塞满五香碎肉的一束束发亮的腊肠,并且安详地吸着调了香料做熟的猪血所发散出来的温暾气儿。The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pigs' blood.

相反,看起来他好像在一个地方休息,这个地方没有风,让他安定地吃饭,丝毫未意识到他所身处的危险。Instead, it appears he was resting in a spot protected from the wind, tranquilly digesting his meal, unaware of the danger he was in.

另一方面,有利于人们构建新的价值体系,以使骚动不安的灵魂得以宁静地栖息。On the other hand, it is advantageous in formulating people' new value system, and enables the tumult restless soul to perch tranquilly.

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另外,尽管我们有很多伟大的作品,但是,在这个浮躁的社会,很少有人愿意仔细安静的读一本书。In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people are willing read a book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society.

虽然说为这一刻朱骏的确等待了很久,但当登顶时刻真正来临,朱骏却很快恢复了平静。Although said that had indeed waited for this moment Zhu Jun is very long, but when the reaching time approaches truly, Zhu Junque restored tranquilly very quickly.

同样,大众的审美情趣应该得到足够的提升,这样我们才有可能最终形成一个和谐的场景,人们能安静祥和的享受他们的生活。It is also imperative that the public’s aesthetic taste be so enhanced and promoted that eventually build up a harmonious scene in which people can enjoy their live tranquilly and peacefully.