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如果不经治疗,CKD能导致肾功能衰竭。If untreated, CKD can result in kidney failure.

处于那个时期的患者应该交给肾病医师?At which stage of CKD should patients be referred to a nephrologist?

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CKD是一种多系统疾病,对它的最佳治疗应包括多个方面。CKD is a multisystem disease, and optimal therapy for CKD will address its many facets.

所有患者均经病理诊断或临床确诊,且均符合CKD的诊断标准。CKD diagnosis has been confirmed for every patient either by pathological or clinical method.

而ABI和PWV均可作为评估CKD患者动脉硬化程度的重要临床指标。ABI and PWV can be used as important clinical indicators of atherosclerosis in patients with CKD.

然而,抗高血压药物预防CKD发生的有效性尚未被证实。Howerver, to prevent CKD incidence, the efficacy of antihypertensive drug has not been confirmed.

科学家正在不遗余力的寻找治疗CKD和阻止肾脏退化的方法。Scientists are continually looking for new ways to treat CKD and stop kidneys from deteriorating.

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型机车是为越南铁路生产的干线客、货运米轨电传动内燃机车。CKD 7F locomotive is a diesel-electric passenger and freight locomotive for meter gauge trunk line in Viet-Nam.

结论与其他常规凝血指标比较,TEG是反映CKD患者高凝状态的一个更为敏感的指标。Conclusions TEG shows the hypercoagulability more sensitive than other conventional coagulation parameters in CKD patients.

导致CKD发生原因可以多种多样,但进展至ESRD的共同途径是肾脏纤维化。Multiple causes can induce CKD but it is renal fibrosis that is commonly recognized as the single factor that leads to ESRD.

CKD可以由各种不同的疾病引起,比如糖尿病、高血压、心脏病、传染甚至物理损伤。CKD can be caused by various diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, infections or even physical injury.

对汽车厂家来说,CKD带来了丰厚的利润,但是对中国汽车零部件工业却是致命的打击。To car manufacturer, CKD brought rich and generous profit, but it is a deathblow however to industry of Chinese car component.

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对晚期CKD患者较少采用血管成形术是否妥当必须经过正规的风险-收益分析来评估。Whether reduced use of angiography in patients with advanced CKD is justified must be evaluated in formal risk-benefit analyses.

结论重视老年慢性肾脏病患者高危因素的控制和积极干预,是预防其发生急性肾损伤的关键。Conclusion It is the key point to prevent AKI that pay more attention to control and intervene the risk factors of elder CKD patients.

CHOIR研究结果凸显出随机对照临床试验在确定CKD患者最佳治疗手段中的重要性。The CHOIR study highlights the importance of randomized controlled trials in determining optimal treatment approaches for patients with CKD.

相反,草药治疗只在那些没有使用镇痛剂的患者中呈现出与CKD独立的正相关关系。Conversely, herbal therapy was associated independently and positively with CKD and CKD stage only in participants who did not use analgesics.

大多数CKD患者实际死于心血管病发证,这些并发症是由于高血压伴肾功能紊乱引发的。A majority of CKD patients actually die from cardiovascular complications that arise from the high blood pressure associated with kidney malfunction.

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经典的慢性肾病进展的生物标记物包括定量蛋白尿,硬化的肾小球比例,局灶性间质纤维化比例。"Classical" biomarkers of CKD progression include quantitative proteinuria, the percentage of sclerotic glomeruli or fractional interstitial fibrosis.

另一个是把心血管疾病看作日后肾功能下降和社区人群慢性肾病的一个主要独立危险因素。The other portrays C disease itself as a major independent risk factor for future renal functional decline and for CKD in a community-based population.

这种现象产生的原因到底是MI的临床表现差异所致还是由于对在CKD患者中实施冠状动脉成形术存在偏见尚不清楚。Whether this phenomenon is explained by differences in the presentation of MI or by bias against performing coronary angiography in patients with CKD is unclear.