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我真的觉得自己打耳光她!I really felt like slapping her!

无跟拖鞋在石头上啪啪作响。Heelless slippers were slapping on the stones.

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或听过雨水拍打地面的声音呢?Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

他波,它周围的前掌掴他的前额。He waves it around before slapping his forehead. "Aaah."

似乎再次链松散,我可以听到它打耳光。The chain again seemed loose, and I could hear it slapping.

现有的IT公司也在旧瓶装新酒使用这个概念。Established IT firms are slapping the new label on old gear.

是否当你每次转身时生活都会当面打击你?Is life slapping you in the face every time you turn around?

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只是我们刚接触它而已。It's just we're now slapping some new, perhaps jargon on them.

人们鼓掌,拍着大腿,跺着地板。People are clapping, slapping their thighs, stomping the floor.

理科教师詹姆斯·伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.

莱格米掌掴政治家后,被警方逮捕并拘留。Lai Gemi slapping politicians, the police arrested and detained.

他一手掐住我的脖子一手来回扇我巴掌!He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!

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巴比特面对黑暗的池塘坐在树桩上,不时拍打蚊子。Babbitt sat on the stump , facing the dark pond, slapping mosquitoes.

布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.

用单方面的关税壁垒来敲打中国让人感觉良好-实际却使事情更糟。Slapping China with unilateral tariffs would feel good—and make matters worse

彼得斯希望任何来到地球上的外星人都将和我们击掌相迎。Peters hopes any E.T. visitors to Earth will result in them slapping us on the hands.

喊海狸,打耳光与他的大,平尾地努力。" shouted Beaver, slapping the ground hard with his big, flat tail. "You've got wings.

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俄政府颁布禁令自八月中旬起禁止小麦出口,使得事态更加恶化。Russia's government made matters worse by slapping a ban on wheat exports from mid-August.

各种声响会更加惊心动魄,海浪拍打着船舷也更有力。Noise in general becomes more striking, with waves slapping more determinedly at our sides.

它们坐立起来开始用前腿拍水并向自己身上溅水。They sat upright and began slapping the water with their front legs and splashing themselves.