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他说,自己在星期一见到了女儿。He says saw Roxana on Monday.

聆讯持续了数个小时,与判决萨贝利间谍罪成立的原审相比,时间要长得多。The appeal hearing lasted several hours, much longer than the original trial in which Roxana Saberi was convicted of spying.

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伊朗裔美国记者罗克萨娜·萨贝里最近从伊朗监狱中获释,她因替美国从事间谍活动遭到指控并被判有罪。ROXANA SABERI, the Iranian-American journalist who was recently released from prison in Iran after being convicted of spying for the U. S.

现年32岁的萨贝里拥有美国及伊朗双重国籍,伊朗法院上月以间谍罪判处她8年监禁。Roxana Saberi, a 32-year-old dual American-Iranian national, was convicted last month of spying for the US and sentenced to 8 years in prison.

他的父亲表示女儿停止了绝食,说他女儿因为健康问题停止了抗议。上个月,她被指控有罪,判刑八年。Reza Saberi says his daughter Roxana ended her protest for health reasons. She was convicted last month and sentenced to eight years in prison.

几周来广受关注的伊朗裔美国记者萨贝里被判间谍罪一事似乎接近出现转机。The weeks-old saga of imprisoned U. S. -Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi, who was convicted by an Iranian court on charges of spying appears to be nearing a turning point.

但是一群记者突然出现,这条新闻迅即传遍全国,说是莫利纳与巴尔德蒂被指控为罗森博格谋杀案的主谋。But a pack of reporters suddenly appeared, and the news soon broke around the country that Otto Pérez Molina and Roxana Baldetti were the alleged masterminds of Rosenberg’s murder.

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加西亚2006年曾公开承认,在他和妻子2005年分居期间,与孩子的母亲、经济学家罗克夏娜发生恋情。Garcia admitted his affair with Roxana Cheesman, the boy's mother, an economist, in 2006, saying he had a relationship with Chessman in 2005 while he was briefly separated from his wife.

美国出生的记者罗克塞娜.沙贝里周一走出了伊朗的监狱,她的罪名是“间谍罪”,但法院最终将她的刑期从开始的八年减少到了缓刑两年。US-born reporter Roxana Saberi walked free from an Iranian jail on Monday after a court reduced her prison term for spying from the original eight years to a two-year suspended sentence.

伊朗司法机构的一名发言人说,一家上诉法院将在下周审理美国记者萨贝里的上诉案,萨贝里被判为美国从事间谍活动。An Iranian appeals court will hear the case of American journalist Roxana Saberi who was convicted of spying for the United States next week, according to the country's judiciary spokesman.

美国驻伊朗记者罗克珊娜。萨贝利因涉嫌为美国从事间谍活动,于上月被判处8年的监禁。An appeal hearing has ended in Tehran in the case of an Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi who was sentenced last month to 8 years in prison in Iran for spying for the United States.

美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿星期一说,她希望伊朗人对伊朗裔美国人、记者罗萨娜.萨贝里的间谍案重新审视的呼吁能导致她尽快获释。Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday she hopes Iranian calls for a reexamination of the spy case against Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi will lead to her speedy release.