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七台河有禧龙宾馆么?Dragon Hotel Jubilee Qitaihe have it?

晃晃兔头,福禄祷禧。The rabbit head, sway ferro prayer jubilee.

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全国都在庆祝国庆日。My parents are celebrating their golden jubilee.

在这喜年内,人各归其祖业。In the year of the jubilee all shall return to their possessions.

这禧年,你们各人要归自己的地业.In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to his own property.

一年一度的卡拉韦拉县博览会及跳蛙节开幕了。It's time for the annual Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee.

在银禧楼入口设置红外线探热器。Set an infra-red thermometer at the entrance of Silver Jubilee Building.

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金禧课后补习将不负责印刷上的错误。Jubilee After-School Program is not responsible for typographical errors.

随后,众位来宾移步室外,观赏了灯光焰火和音乐喷泉表演。Afterward, guests moved outside for a lights, music and fireworks jubilee.

今年,是家教会成立的五十周年,我们一起欢庆本会的金禧生日。It's our 50th birthday this year, so let's celebrate our Golden Jubilee together.

这也无怪乎,以色列民族「禧年」的规定,仅为昙花一现。That's may be the reason, Year of Jubilee was only shortlived in the history of Israel.

除了我前面提到的字体的投诉,我只发现了两个银禧问题。Aside from the font complaint I mentioned earlier, I found only two issues with Jubilee.

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他跑掉的时候她几乎心碎了,我猜他这次回来对她可是件大喜事呢。She was nearly heartbroken when he ran off. I guess his return will make a jubilee to her.

更多皇家珍藏的纪念品将在明年的钻石庆典上发布。More Royal Collection memorabilia will be unveiled as next year's Diamond Jubilee approaches.

香港都爹利街,香港唯一100年前留下的四盏煤气灯,现在还有用。Hong Kong is dad jubilee street, Hong Kong only 100 years ago left four lights, now also used.

他深深相信将菩提中学盖建在银禧老人院旁边是正确的。He was convinced that sitting the Phor Tay School, adjacent to the Silver Jubilee Home, is correct.

这里是租庇利街公厕,位置是租庇利街及皇后大道中交界。Here is Jubilee Street Public Toilet, it located at junction of Jubilee Street & Queen's Road Central.

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英国反贫困组织——禧年债务运动同样给冰岛以支持。Iceland has also garnered the support of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, a British antipoverty organization.

为一个出生于特权阶级的人庆祝登基钻石纪念日的意义到底是什么?What is the point of celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of someone who is born into a position of privilege?

如果那人不能这样赎身,到了喜年,他可与儿女自由离去。And if by these means he cannot be redeemed, in the year of the jubilee he shall go out with his children.