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漂亮的金发美女不全是傻瓜。Blonde faire is not a dumbbell.

对肱二头肌,我推荐哑铃弯举。For biceps I recommend doing dumbbell preacher curls.

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这种结构物的顶面观呈哑铃形或“8”字型。The tops of structures assume dumbbell form or "8" shape.

这就只是用dumbbell来代替dumb这个词罢了。This is simply an adoption of dumbbell in place of the word dumb.

仰躺下,双手各抓一个哑铃或者拉缆。Lie on your back and grasp a dumbbell or cable handles in each hand.

通风井的哑铃物业单位,纽约市采取从屋顶,钙,。Airshaft of a dumbbell tenement, New York City, taken from the roof, ca.

我上网的时候看到,dumbbell这个词还可以用来形容人。I see in my web surfing that the word dumbbell is also applied to people.

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求使用哑铃锻炼臂力和胸肌的方法,我想把肥肉变成肌肉块儿。O use dumbbell exercise chest muscle push-ups, I think the fat into muscle patch.

单侧手臂曲肘使哑铃落到另一侧手臂的手肘内侧。Unilateral arm curved cubits make dumbbell another side of the arm to elbow inside.

该星云因在可见光下观测其形似哑铃而由此得名。The nebula was named after its resemblance to a dumbbell when seen in visible light.

目的探讨潜突型、哑铃型舌下腺囊肿的临床诊断及治疗方法。Objective To explore diagnosis and treatment of dives dumbbell sublingual gland cyst.

一手拿一只哑铃,提起来举过头,然后把哑铃放回与耳朵平齐的位置。Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lift up and over your head. Bring back down to ear level.

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哑铃。哑铃小巧,握在手里有分量,可以用来锻炼上半身的肌肉。Dumbbell. Dumbbells are small, hand-held weights that you can use to strengthen your upper body.

哑铃飞是一个拳击运动的加强和提高耐力胸肌。The dumbbell fly is a boxing exercise that strengthens the pectoral muscles and improves endurance.

其中髓外硬膜下肿瘤9例,髓外硬膜外肿瘤6例,哑铃形肿瘤8例。There were 9 cases of subdural extramedullary tumors, 6 of epidural tumors and 8 of dumbbell tumors.

造粉质体除以分裂的形式进行增殖外可能还有其他的形式,分裂过程中在颈部出现分裂环结构。A electron dense ring-shaped structure present at the neck of dumbbell shaped amyloplast during division.

两手分别各持一哑铃单足立于长凳之上。Holding a dumbbell in each hand, place one foot on a bench, so that your knee is bent to about 90 degrees.

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哑铃卧推是拳击运动,可以改善战斗机的上肢力量和耐力。The dumbbell bench press is a boxing exercise that improves a fighter's upper-body strength and endurance.

目的总结应用显微手术治疗高颈段哑铃型椎管肿瘤的临床经验。Objective To summarize experiences of microsurgical treatment of dumbbell tumors of the high cervical spine.

一个臂哑铃行是一个拳击练习中使用,以加强背部肌肉力量,提高冲压。The one-arm dumbbell row is a boxing exercise used to strengthen the back muscles and improve punching power.