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观众捧腹大笑。Big audience laugh.

谁是你的观众?Who is your audience?

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考虑你的听众。Consider your audience.

了解你的观众。Understand your audience.

通过吸引观众。By attracting an audience.

考虑一下你的听众。Think about your audience.

古典音乐的听众年纪可能大一些。it could be older audience.

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汝是演员还是观众?Are thou player or audience?

全场的观众都听得入迷了。The audience was mesmerized.

她的风趣令观众赞叹不已。Her wit stunned the audience.

我的听众是多方面的。My audience is multi-faceted.

斯诺克需要新观众。Snooker needs a new audience.

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无路可走的受众都死光了。The captive audience is dead.

读者――谁将阅读本书?Audience -- Who is the reader?

她的演技感�了观众。Her acting -ried the audience.

还是让观众朋友们来评评吧。Let our audience be the judge.

观众向那个演员喝倒彩。The audience hooted the actor.

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观众向那个演员喝倒采。The audience hooted the actor.

他的演技感动了观众。His acting carried the audience.

他的演讲吸引了观众。His speech gripped the audience.