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难以辨认的潦草的笔迹。Illegible handwriting or aimless scribbling.

墨水有已褪色的以至于许多字是难辨认的。The ink had faded so that many words were illegible.

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你的字太潦草,谁也认不出来。Your handwriting is so illegible that nobody can read it.

纪念碑上的字母严重磨损,难以辨认。The letter on the monument was seriously worn and illegible.

他的任务是处理所有寄信地址不明的信件。His job was to process all mails that had illegible addresses.

我看清楚了大多数的签名,但是有一些认不清。I could read most of the signatures, but a few were illegible.

这个没头脑的家伙写的字简直无法辨认。The handwriting of this scatterbrained fellow was totally illegible.

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羊皮纸上的字迹已褪色,到了差不多让人认不清的地步。The writing on the parchment had faded until it was almost illegible.

由于地址字迹不清,致使信件无法投递。It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible.

液晶屏显示字符清晰,无断码、乱码现象,背光均匀。LCD with clear display, no broken codes or illegible characters, even backlight.

不过,石碑上的蚀痕和裂隙使文字的结尾几乎难以辨认。However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible.

十分钟后,你就会带着诊断书和难以辨认的处方回到大街上。Ten minutes later, you're on the street with a diagnosis and an illegible prescription.

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签署人同时了解THL不对任何因字迹不清或者填写错误引起的延误负责。People also know not to sign any of THL or fill out the errors due to illegible due to delays.

交工验收中如发现有不符质量要求,需要返工的工程,应分清责任。The liability shall be distinguished when the project is found to be illegible and needs rework.

20世纪的幼稚的ANSI程序,把一切非英语字符都转换为'?Naive ANSI program from the 20th century. All non-English characters are converted into illegible '?

三分三合,爱得心力憔悴,大伤元气,华女潦草嫁人。Three close, love mental efforts is gauntly, hurt vitality greatly, china female illegible marry a person.

它也可以承认遗失或难以辨认的数据邮票和标签,除了填补包装不当。It can also recognise missing or illegible data stamps and labels, in addition to incorrectly filled packs.

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先前提起话头的男子,带着隐隐的真诚祝福继续问道。The man who brings up a words brain in times before, take illegible of the sincerity hope persist to ask a way.

“可是,”唐太斯答道,“我看到的只不过是一张被火烧掉了一半的,上面是一些意义不明的断句残字呀。”Why, " replied Dants, "I see nothing but broken lines and unconnected words, which are rendered illegible by fire.

画布上一强筋的笔触引起了我的注意,好像是一些很难辩认笔迹或字母。But it is the gritty crayon strokes that captured my attention, as if they were some illegible script, or alphabet.