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亚历山大•麦昆。I love Alexander McQueen.

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我是亚历山大大帝吗?Am l Alexander the Great?-Yes.

去年,托里和亚历山大来了。Torry and Alexander last year.

亚历山大王,东征印地Young Alexander conquered India.

他们都是亚历山大麾下的将领。They were four generals of Alexander.

亚历山大的名字是由于吗?。P. P. S Because the name of Alexander?

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耶稣和亚歷山大都死于三十三岁的英年。Both Jesus and Alexander died at age 33.

耶稣和亚历山大均死于三十三岁。Jesus and Alexander died at thirty-three.

亚历山大自己爬上去,掉了下来。Alexander himself went up and dropped below.

亚历山大负责给他们安排新的住所。Alexander was responsible for rehousing them.

我想邀亚历山大将军共进晚宴。I want to give a dinner for General Alexander.

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盘尼西林是亚历山大·弗来明发现的。Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

亚历山大出生于公元前356年。Alexander himself was born in 356, BCE of course.

李·亚历山大·麦昆出生于1969年的伦敦。Lee Alexander McQueen was born in London in 1969.

亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔给出的5个必读的生活经验Must-Read Life Lessons from Alexander Graham Bell

长子亚历山大出生于1973年,次子金出生在1977年。Son Alexander born in 1973, son Kim born in 1977.

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所以亚历山大标榜自己为神。So, Alexander is putting himself forward as divine.

最有名的马其顿人是亚历山大大帝。The most famous Macedonian was Alexander the Great.

然后,亚历山大开始攻击珀斯其余的部分。Then Alexander turned to attack the rest of Persia.