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他们可有的很小,有的却很大!They can be very tinny or huge!

我发现我的自行车内胎有个小洞。I found a tinny hole in the inner tube of my bike.

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电话铃声在黑暗中响起-一阵微弱、不熟悉的声响。A telephone was ringing in the darkness—a tinny , unfamiliar ring.

黑暗中电话铃响了起来——一种微弱的、不熟悉的响声。A telephone was ringing in the darkness— a tinny , unfamiliar ring.

它圆圆的,红色的身体上有七个小黑点,还有一个小小的脑袋。It is red and round, with seven black dots, and a tinny little head.

收口带有一丝锡的味道,但经过橡木桶陈酿即会消失。A bit tinny on the finish but that should disappear with barrel ageing.

若不然,又该如何解释一棵沉睡的树会须臾间披满嫩绿的新芽?How else can we explain a dormant tree suddenly wearing tinny green shoots?

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燃烧完的材料加上泥土填入小洞里。Burining Burning away the material added to the clay leaves tinny tiny holes.

咖啡馆几乎空空荡荡,电幕轻声呢喃着一首温柔的乐曲。The place was almost empty. A tinny music was trickling from the telescreens.

手机上小小的喇叭里,刺耳的喊声和枪声响成一片。The phone's tinny speakers blared the noise of shouting and a stream of gunfire.

很多时候细小的幸福都可以轻而易举的淹没我们,只是我们常常出于麻木而忽略。Many times tinny happiness can easily drown us, but we are so insensitive to neglect them.

那些细小的,嫣红色烛型花,以及松枝一样的细叶。令我特别欢喜。Those tinny bright red candled flowers and leaves as fine as the pine needles made me raptured.

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贴在车窗上的小音箱播出的声音也并不响亮。The sound that squawked out of the little speaker that you attached to your car window was tinny at best.

用这些服务打电话音质非常棒,听上去有点金属声但比普通电话清楚。The calls on these services sound pretty good, a little tinny but clearer than my regular cell phone connection.

我还是努力地找了点边边角角意思意思,试图保住我的饭碗。Somehow I'm still able to find some tinny minor trivial faults to work with in a desperate effort to keep my job.

弦理论中的弦一直被认为是构建这个宇宙中万物的基本元素。The tinny invisible strings of string theory were supposed to be the fundamental building blocks of all the matter in the universe.

索尼选择了针对从没有过收音机的青少年全体出售其迷你型的晶体管收音机,因为他们买不起台式的RCA。Sony chose to sell its tinny little transistor radio to teenagers who had never had a radio because they couldn't afford a tabletop RCA model.

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她听到了沙沙作响的收音机里传来的音乐,她迎接着令其炫目的光亮,眼睛一眨也不眨。For a while, Benson imbibed the philosophy of a gaudier and more complex sphere, heard the tinny music of their radios and stared into the dazzle of the day.

鳊的适口性与草鱼有所区别,对于细茎或藤蔓较有韧性的牧草的摄食能力不如草鱼。The palatability of white bream is different from that of grass carp, its feed-taking capacity for tinny stem or large leaves is inferior to that of grass carp.

铁炭微电解法是一种利用酸性电解质溶液中铁屑和炭粒之间形成的许多微小的原电池来处理废水的电化学工艺。Iron-carbon micro-electrolysis is a electro-chemical process to treat wastewater. Many tinny proto batteries which are formulated in the acid electrolyte between iron and carbon are utilized.