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那天晚上玛尼娅和海拉想打扮得特别漂亮。Manya and Hela wanted to be especially ravishing that night.

结论上述结果表明,曲格列酮可以引起混合型细胞死亡。Conclusion Troglitazone induced mixed type of cell death in HeLa cells.

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这种特殊的基因能够在miRNA级别与HeLa特征相匹配时被激活。The special gene would turn on in the presence of miRNA levels that match the HeLa profile.

细胞周期分析显示槲皮素组G1期细胞比例明显增多,呈量效关系。The augment of G1 ratio in the proliferation cycle of Hela cells presents a dose-dependent manner.

用SRB法测定目标化合物对癌细胞的增殖抑制作用。Their effects on growth inhibition against HL-60, HeLa and SGC-7901 cells were determined by SRB assay.

研究人员指出,由于类似的道理,同样缺少HeLa特征的健康细胞也会被保留。Healthy cells, which would also lack the HeLa profile, would be similarly left alone, the researchers said.

对克隆到的HDM2基因片段进行测序分析,从中筛选到一种新的HDM2剪接变异体。Through RT-PCR analysis of the expression about the HDM2 protein in Hela cells, a new HDM2 splice variant was identified.

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当基因生物微机被导入这两种不同的细胞类型时,只有海拉细胞被摧毁,而正常细胞则安然无恙。When the genetic bio-computer was introduced into the different cell types, only HeLa cells, but not the healthy ones, were destroyed.

透射电镜观察发现部分细胞发生凋亡早期改变。Hela cells presented the characteristic morphological changes of apoptosis under inverted microscope and transmission electron microscope.

DAPT能抑制宫颈癌细胞的增殖,促进宫颈癌细胞的凋亡,其机制可能与抑制NICD的生成有关。The mechanism of DAPT inhibited the proliferation and prompted the apoptosis of SiHa and HeLa cells may be due to decreased the formation of NICD.

CVB3在侵入细胞后,细胞表面DAF的表达迅速下调,这可能与病毒逃避免疫监视有关。After CVB3 invading into HeLa cells, the expression of DAF on cell surface changed to normal, which maybe correlate with virus escaping immunologic surveillance.

结论土牛膝液能增强对宫颈癌热敏感性,增强这种热敏感性的可能机理是通过诱导细胞凋亡和抑制HSP70蛋白的合成。Conclusion The thermosensitivity of Hela cells can be increased by achyranthes aspera. Apoptosis and HSP70 protein may be involved in the increased in thermosensitivity.

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这些实验结果表明阿司匹林诱导细胞凋亡和抑制细胞增殖可能是通过抑制ErbB2下游的细胞存活信号通路起作用。These data reveal that aspirin significantly induces apoptosis and inhibits the proliferation of HeLa cell maybe via inhibiting ErbB2 downstream cell survival signaling pathways.

一个患癌症的女性,此细胞株是“不死的”--在接受植入后的一个星期仍然存活。More than 90 percent of chip-containing HeLa cells -- the first immortal human cell line derived from a poor, cancer-stricken woman – still survived a week after receiving their silicon loads.

在加拿大、澳大利亚、奥地利、法国、智利、荷兰、新加坡、中国设有子公司,代理经销商分布于76多个国家和地区,“海乐HELA”品牌香辛料遍布世界各地。In 76 countries and regions the company has its branches and sales agents, such as Canada, Australia, Austria, Holland, Singapore and China. Spices and seasoning of "HELA" is used all over the world.