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我们该如何回应?How do we respond?

那你要怎么反应?How will you respond?

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这要如何回应?Well, how to respond?

对,-然后他们回应?Yes. -They'll respond?

那么,你如何回应呢?So, how do you respond?

他们为何要回应?Why should they respond?

那口酱缸又会有什么反应?How will the jar respond?

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但是,孩子却没有做出回应。But the boy didnt respond.

噢~那你做何反应?Wow! And how did you respond?

如果你说“莱托”,我会回应。Ifyou say, " Leto, " I respond.

他将会为此事做出反应,我不会。He will respond to that, not me.

伯南克先生,你将会如何作答呢?Mr. Bernanke, how do you respond?

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在这种情况下,我该如何回应?In that case, how should I respond?

哈利不知道她是否会回答。Harry wondered if she would respond.

我和老布什各有一分钟的时间回答。Bush and I got one minute to respond.

他也不回邮件。He also doesn't respond to his email.

我保留稍后作出回应的权利。I reserve the right to respond later.

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见他没有反应,我放声恸哭起来。I began crying when he didn't respond.

对这个顾虑进行研究并作出回应。Investigate and respond to this concer.

这种疾病经药物治疗后未见好转。The disease failed to respond to drugs.