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我起水泡。I have a blister.

他用针扎破水疱。He broke the blister with a needle.

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当她刺水疱时它破了。The blister broke when she pricked it.

用肥皂和水使水泡保持清洁。Keep the blister clean with soap and water.

东莞英达吸塑制品有限公司!Dongguan Ying Tat Blister Products Co. , Ltd.

他的手指因碰到热烫斗而起泡。Touching the hot iron made his finger blister.

首先是从妈妈脚趾上的一个小水疱开始的。It started with a tiny blister on my mom's toe.

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右脸上有个巨大的水泡。A huge blister covered the right side of my face.

我的脚趾起水泡了,感染了。I had a blister on my big toe, and it got infected.

带清水样内含物的疱,不含血或脓。A blister having watery contents without blood or pus.

不要使用,如果密封泡罩包装已经打开。Do not use if the sealed blister packs have been opened.

他把水泡挤破了喷出的东西都沾满了大G的了脸。He popped his blister and it squirted all over his face.

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他不习惯作粗重的工作,而且他的手易起水泡。He is not used to hard work, and his hands blister easily.

他不惯于体力工作,他的手容易起泡。He is not used to manual work and his hands blister easily.

鞋子太紧了,我脚后跟起了个泡。I have a blister on my heel because my shoes are too tight.

见兹水泡订货单条附加的文件。See the attached file herewith the Blister order sheet Reg.

泡罩包装一直以来以小盒包装为主要外包装。Blister packaging has to box packaging as the main overpack.

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他用一根消过毒的针扎破脚后跟上的水泡。HE pricked tHE blister on his HEel with a sterilized needle.

斑蝥是一种生活在地上的芫菁甲虫,原产自欧洲。Spanish Fly is ground-up blister beetle, indigenous to Europe.

用紧缩绑带覆盖于脚泡上能够起到缓解的作用。A compression bandage placed over a blister can provide relief.