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秦将军带领的这支患难与共的队伍从河南府往南移动。General Ching's resolute group moved south from Honan Province.

万里豫剧院演员在台上演出。Actors of Wanli Honan Opera Theater are performing in the stage.

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在河南和鲁西也成立了类似的政府。Similar governments came into being in Honan and in western Shantung.

笔者在河南省遇到一个地主,他全家有六十九口人。In Honan Province the writer came across a landlord who had a family of sixty-nine members.

这里正是南京路同河南路的交叉点,所谓“抛球场”。东西行的车辆此时正在那里静候指挥交通的红绿灯的命令。Here at the crossing of nanking road and honan road the cars going across were being held up by the traffic lights.

日军于1944年4月19日发起一号作战,到四月底就迅速肃清了中国军队在华中地区河南省境内的抵抗。Launched on 19 April 1944, Operation ICHIGO eliminated Chinese resistance in Honan Province in central China by late April.

成皋故城在今河南省荥阳县西北部,为古代军事重地。The ancient town of Chengkao, in the northwest of the present Chengkao County, Honan Province, was of great military importance.

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有一次,一个逃跑的河南学生被捉到了。全校的学生都被拉到南京城外观看对他的处决。Once, one Honan student was caught running away and the whole school was marched outside the walls of Nanking and made to watch his execution.

我曾听过河南一个农民诉说,一个当了伪军队长的地主管家如何把他关进监牢,扬言只有把他的女儿送给那个队长才放他出狱。A peasant in Honan tells how a puppet commander, a landlord's bailiff, threw him in jail and would not let him out until he had given him his daughter.

晋冀鲁豫野战军的太岳兵团,八月下旬由晋南强渡黄河,挺进豫西地区。The Taiyueh Army of the Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Field Army forced the Yellow River from southern Shansi in late August and thrust into western Honan.

晋冀鲁豫野战军的太岳兵团,八月下旬由晋南强渡黄河,挺进豫西地区。The taiyueh army of the shansi-hopei-shantung- honan field army forced the yellow river from southern shansi in late august and thrust into western honan.

中国是世界上人口最多的国家,而它的每个省都有穆斯林。Since China is the most populous of all lands, and since it hasMuslims in every province, we might first quote the words of Dr. P.Lindel Tsen, Bishop of Honan.

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开始是太行和太岳山区农业歉收,接着冀南发生水灾,河南又遭蝗害,转眼间殃及四省。To begin with, there was a crop failure in the Taihang and Taiyueh mountains, a flood in southern Hopei and locusts in Honan which soon began to sweep over all four provinces.