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哪些人能参加残奥会?What kind of people competes at the Paralympics?

他是在残疾人奥运会上夺得了金牌。Because he won the golden medal at the Paralympics.

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媒体对伤残奥运的报导相当低调。Media coverage of the Paralympics is rather low-key.

皮斯托利斯将参加即将举行的北京残障运动会。Pistorius will take part in the upcoming Beijing Paralympics.

李端是本届残奥会中国代表团内唯一一名现役军人。Duan Li is a Chinese delegation at the Paralympics the only one servicemen.

Waddell在2002年盐湖城冬季残奥会上夺得铜牌后Waddell after winning the Bronze at the Paralympics in Salt Lake City in 2002

中国人民广播电台将对残奥会开幕式进行现场直播。CNR will offer real live broadcast of the Opening Ceromony of the Paralympics.

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相比之下,残奥会的开幕式更多的是关注运动员本身。In contrast, the opening ceremony for the Paralympics was mostly about the athletes.

来自148个国家和地区的4000多名残疾人运动员将参加此次残奥会。More than 4000 athletes from 148 countries and regions will take part in the Paralympics.

曼德维尔头部上的三个新月形图像则是残奥会的象征。Mandeville's head reflects aspects of the three crescent shapes of the Paralympics symbol.

图伊拉埃帕对北京奥运会、残奥会成功举办表示祝贺。Tuilaepa congratulated China on the complete success of the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics.

同时,阳光男孩和雪花女孩被选为2014年残奥会吉祥物。Meanwhile, sun beam boy and snowflake girl were chosen as mascots for the 2014 Paralympics Games.

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2008年他和谭盾共同创作北京奥运会和北京残奥会体育展示标志音乐。In 2008, he collaborated with Tan Dun to create music for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Beijing Paralympics.

残奥会已经在北京开始并要到9月17日结束,所以当局仍然是不好惹的。The Paralympics are under way in Beijing and do not end until September 17th, so the authorities are still edgy.

奥运会,残奥会,两个奥运同样精彩,大家好,我是今天的小主播罗爱琦。让我们一起来关注2008北京残奥会。Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Two Games, Equal Splendor, I'm today's host Luo aiqi. Let's focus on 2008 Beijing Paralympics.

这也是继2004年雅典残奥会之后,中国代表团连续第四次在夏季残奥会上占据榜首。The 12-day competition was the fourth consecutive time China has dominated proceedings at the Summer Paralympics since Athens in 2004.

为了庆祝明年夏天的奥运会和残奥会,伦敦奥委会于今天发布了12款宣传海报,随后,这些海报将会被拍卖。Today in London, officials unveiled the 12 posters that will be sold to commemorate both the Olympics and the Paralympics next summer.

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尽管大部分残奥会项目在奥运会中也有所体现,但是仍有一些仅仅是残奥会才有的项目。Although most of the Paralympic sports are also included in the Olympic Games, there are some sports that are unique to the Paralympics.

布什总统谈到了奖牌获得者、以及那些在奥运会和随后残奥运上努力拼搏的运动员们。President Bush spoke of the victors, and those who triumphed just by trying at both the Olympic Games, and the Paralympics that followed.

1992年夏季残奥会上,她一人斩获4枚金牌,1996年残奥会,她获得铅球银牌和马拉松金牌。She won four gold medals in the 1992 summer Paralympics. In the 1996 Paralympics she won silver in the shot put and gold in the Pentathlon.