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用颜料把一盏灯的灯泡涂黑。Blacking a lamp bulb by paint.

他有一个粘贴标签的黑色鞋油工作。He had a job of pasting labels of blacking.

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暮霭渐渐掩蔽了海洋和丛林。Darkness was blacking out both sea and jungle.

她抓着她的丈夫,战斗的黑色鞋油出来的感觉。She clung to her husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out.

同样是不正确的黑色鞋油在温水泳池出来的受害者。The same is not true for victims blacking out in warm-water swimming pools.

当我开始涂黑报纸的专栏时*,也不知道自己在干什么。I had no idea what I was doing when I started blacking out newspaper columns.

传统中药何首乌具有乌须发的作用。Traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum multiflorum has the function of hair blacking.

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上述图标展示了配置全水循环系统的大型发黑线。The diagram above show a large production blacking line with full rinse water recycling.

至于化妆品,女人们用的擦脸粉就像农药,而眼影更像黑鞋油。As for cosmetics, they used powder resembling crop dust and eye shadow looking more like blacking.

真币我们留着,假币往往色泽太扎眼,要花出去必须用黑色涂料和油脂把它们弄脏。Bad ones come up too bright, and must be slummed, with blacking and grease, before you pass them on.

他甚至有个ID徽章,是抹黑了一张餐馆礼品卡,刻了“警察”上去做成的。He even had an ID badge, which he'd made by blacking out a restaurant gift card and etching in the word "POLICE.

牠们的父母将三个腐烂的葫芦瓜、一个老旧的鞋油刷子和两个烂掉的芜菁塞进空麻袋。Their parents stuffed the empty sack with three rotten vegetable marrows , an old blacking brush and two decayed turnips.

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两眼发黑前她记得的最后一件事就是红色雪佛兰的轮子正从车刷下移出。The last thing she remembers seeing before blacking out was the wheels of the red Chevy moving out from under the brushes.

在画的左右两侧,徐悲鸿很巧妙地着上黑墨来反映飘动的马鬃和马尾。On the left and right side of the painting, Xu cleverly drew in blacking and to show the moving hair on the horse's mane and tail.

黑化剂选用了磁漆、聚胺脂平光漆、碳素墨水、TH-1型二氧化硅涂料及磷酸锰涂料。The blacking reagent uses magnetic paint, polyurethane flat paint, carbon ink, TH-1 silicon dioxide paint and manganese phosphate paint.

在最近几个月,中国的审查部门加大了对网络的控制,经常查封一些没有可识别政治内容的网站。In recent months, China's censors have tightened controls over the Internet, often blacking out sites that had no discernible political content.

那篇文章还谈到放在房子里的洋葱和大蒜在多年前的黑逝世病中救了许多人的命。Anothers things I read in the craftedicle was that onions and garlic placed around the chambered retentiond meny from the blacking plaguing years antecedent.

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对发黑成膜机理作了分析,选用了新的结合方式,合理控制成膜速度,有效提高了发黑质量。This paper analyzes blacking filming mechanism, selects a new combi nation method, which can control filming speed reasonably and raise blacking quality effectively.

尽管公司并未证实到底受到了多少投诉,当时已经着手删除或是屏蔽受到争议的图片,从而维护谷歌街景的承诺。Today the company could not confirm exactly how many complaints it had received, but moved to honour its pledge to deal promptly with offending images, removing or blacking them out.

叙述了金属化后碳元素引起真空开关管管壳瓷釉发黑的机理,指出了各种工艺参数对釉面发黑的影响及其解决办法。This paper has been mentioned blacking of ceramic glaze of Vacuum interrupter by carbon element, It points out Blacking is affected by several technology parameters and blacking problem is settled.