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她为我们做了一顿家常饭。She cooked us a homely meal.

而那善良的古老传统中纯朴的美德The homely beauty of the good old cause

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他就像一只穿旧的鞋子,让人感到普通而又舒适。he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe.

他的公寓房有三个特点,第一个是特别的冷,第二个是空荡荡的,第三个是没有家的感觉。His apartment is cold and bare and not very homely.

我喜欢那家餐馆,因为那有家的感觉。I like that restaurant because it has a homely feel.

“家常食物有益于康健,”笑剧作家在拱顶上说。Homely food is wholesome, " the comedies said on the dome."

"家常食品有益于健康,"喜剧作家在拱顶上说.Homely food is wholesome," the comedist said on the dome x.

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卡卡了解米兰,家一样的环境有助于他重回巅峰Kaka knows Milan and in the homely scenario is bound to flourish.

他的老伴于什鲁大妈是个生着胡子模样儿怪丑的妇人。Mother Hucheloup, his wife, was a bearded and a very homely creature.

这个做法是最平常也是最有趣的,是追求浪漫的一种形式。This activity in a wonderful homely way is a version of romance quest.

安娜?柯柏乌长得并不美,可也不能说丑。Anna Cowperwood was not pretty, though she could not be said to be homely.

陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常舒适温馨的感觉。The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character.

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骆天明知道自己时日不长,他拉着骆夫人的手叙起了家常。LuoTianMing know their time is not long, but he took Mrs Lockes hand up homely.

“家常食品有益于健康,”笑剧作家在拱顶上说。"Homely food is wholesome, mbt official website, " the comedist said on the dome.

那一天,两个人吃了一顿温馨的晚餐,并在席间轻松地聊起了家常。That day, the two had a good warmth in the supper, and dinner easily about homely.

这张小桌子顿时变得温暖、亲切,就像这河粉,让人感到舒服,并且充满友善的味道。The table is warm, homely and, like the Pho, comforting and full of friendly flavours.

一家专卖家居小单品、毛绒玩具、香薰蜡烛、宠物用品等工艺品的特色小店。A franchised store selling homely products, plush toys, scented candles, pet products ect.

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一个家庭女仆,提利昂想,但往往最丑的在床上却最饥渴的。A homely maid, thought Tyrion, but sometimes the ugliest ones are the hungriest once abed.

这简直太好了,充满了家的温馨,我怀疑她在设圈套引诱我和她结婚。It was so nice and homely that I suspected that she was setting a trap for me to marry her.

他每天要在户外待上几个钟头,交叉着双手坐在那里,就象一位安祥慈爱的家庭守护神。He passed hours in the open air sitting with folded hands like a placid homely household god.