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或聍听海神吹响饰有花冠的号角。Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn.

也许,海卫一是太阳系中最寒冷的星球。Triton may be the coldest place in our solar system.

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他到另一个写着"海神号"的大盒里拿出卡片。He reaches into another big box of cards marked USS Triton.

从海王星最大的卫星崔坦上观察海王星The planet Neptune, as seen from above its largest moon, Triton.

一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis.

冥王星与海卫一几乎同样大小,同样密度。The planet Pluto and the moon Triton have almost the same size and density.

天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density.

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和欧罗巴和恩西拉达斯一样,特里同的地表较为平整,鲜有火山口。Like Europa and Enceladus, Triton has a flat landscape with very few impact craters.

崔顿将缓慢地经螺旋轨道接近海王星,而当它到达洛希极限时最终将被海王星的引力撕成碎片。Triton will one day enter within Neptune's Roche limit and become totally obliterated.

直链一元酸的加入均使浊点下降,且酸的碳链越长影响越大。The addition of straight chain monoacids made the cloud point of Triton X-100 system decrease.

如果你现在正站在海卫一的南半球,你将会欣赏到该卫星上的仲夏景色。If you were standing in the southern hemisphere of Triton right now, you'd be enjoying the peak of summer.

实际上,特里同的大小和组成都和冥王星接近,说明两者起源相似。Indeed, Triton is about the same size as Pluto and has a similar composition, suggesting a similar origin.

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这是一张海卫一全球彩色照片,由旅行者2号飞船拍摄于1989年,当时它正飞越海王星系。Taken in 1989 by Voyager 2 during its flyby of the Neptune system, this is a global color mosaic of Triton.

琼斯现在正在设计海神36,000拥有一个玻璃圆顶可多次完成到海洋的最深处的旅程。Jones is now engineering the Triton 36, 000 with a glass dome for repeated journeys to the ocean's deepest point.

管状物的形成机理可以用氢氧化钙的碘化镉型六方晶体结构和曲拉通模板的作用来解释。The formation mechanism may be well explained by the nature of CdI2-like hexagonal structure and the templating of Triton X-100.

而喷泉上驾着两匹海马的海神波赛东则是这座永恒之城最完美的象征。The intricate Rococo-inspired fountain, presided over by Triton guiding two sea horses, is a perfect symbol of the Eternal City.

这头11岁大的雄狮名叫海神,因痴迷足球,不愿与动物园内其它7头雌狮玩耍。Triton the 11-year-old male lion prefers a soccer ball to playing with any of the 7 females he lives with at the zoo's lion enclosure.

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海神潜艇,如此图,与其他大多数潜水器一样使用亚克力圆顶并且目前已经确保能达到3,300英尺的深度。The Triton Submarine, pictured here, like most other submersibles uses an acrylic dome and is currently certified for 3, 300 feet deep.

海神赐给人类一匹象征战争的壮马,而雅典娜献给人类一颗枝叶繁茂、果实累累、象征和平的油橄榄树。Triton gave humanity a symbolic war horses, and a single branches unto the human Athena luxuriant, fruitful, symbolizing peace of producing trees.

很耐人寻味的是,冥王星的密度、大小及表面组成与海王星的最大卫星海卫一非常相似。Also intriguing is the fact that Pluto's density, size and surface composition are strikingly similar to those of Neptune 's largest satellite, Triton.