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直到661年这里一直是正统哈里发帝国的中心,后来被大马士革的伍麦叶帝国取代。It was the center of the orthodox caliphate until 661, when the Umayyad caliphate, ruling from Damascus, took over.

他废除了伊斯兰王权并彻底改革司法制度,建立了严格的政教分离。He abolished the caliphate and gutted the country’s legal system, instituting a strict separation of church and state.

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随着哈里发王权的瓦解,萨拉丁就自封为埃及的统治者,但仍附属于关系疏远的努尔丁。With the Caliphate gone Saladin now found himself the ruler of Egypt, though still a subordinate of the distant Nur al-Din.

尽管萨拉丁直到1171年才撤销法蒂玛哈里发职位,但他在成为维齐尔后就积极寻求传播逊尼派教义。Though he did not disband the Fatimid Caliphate until 1171 Saladin actively sought to spread Sunnism as soon as he became the vizier.

随即而来的便是“国际”哈里发统治的建立以及其在阿拉伯—伊斯兰世界力量的急剧下落。These were followed by the establishment of an “international” caliphate rule and eventually by a steep decline in Arab-Islamic power.

这是因为‘恐怖主义’只是一种战术,一种为了实现某种目的所采用的手段,就基地组织而言,就是用一个伊斯兰哈里发式的政权来主宰整个世界。That is because 'terrorism' is but a tactic -- a means to an end, which in al-Qaida's case is global domination by an Islamic caliphate.

但处决黑人宦官引发了法蒂玛军队里占多数的极度效忠哈里发的黑人部队的暴动。This execution triggered an uprising by the black units of the Fatimid military who were both numerous and extremely loyal to the Caliphate.

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它在为文明而战,对抗宗教分裂的政治,对抗圣战版本的反民主的伊斯兰王权。It is battling for civilization and against the politics of religious division and a jihadist vision of an antidemo­cratic, Islamic caliphate.

它主张的路线就是穆斯林要联合起来远离民主选举,因为它认为世界上唯一值得支持的政权就是全球国家伊斯兰化。Its line is that Muslims should eschew electoral democracy altogether, on the ground that the only regime worth supporting is a global caliphate.

基地组织的宏伟目标是建立起包括各个穆斯林地区的伊斯兰帝国,而目前他们有的仅仅是由各个派系控制的一些无法无天的避难所。Al-Qaida's goal of creating an Islamic caliphate spanning the Muslim world is limited to a pocket of lawless boltholes controlled by separate factions.

叛军由乌玛洛夫领导,想要在北部的高加索地区建立一个高加索伊斯兰教领土,建立塔利班阿富汗政权。The rebels, led by Doku Umarov, want to establish a pan-Caucasian Islamist caliphate in the northern Caucasus, and to create a sort of Taliban Afghanistan.

1990年代另一场全球范围的伊斯兰运动,伊扎布特——旨在建立一个哈里发国家摒弃选举民主——就曾在英国大学里异常活跃。In the 1990s another global Islamist movement, Hizb ut-Tahrir②—which aspires to a caliphate and eschews electoral democracy—was very active on British campuses.

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“这是个80耗时年的计划”一个瓦夫德自由党的显贵在引用兄弟会的起源时说“长期看来他们想建立一个伊斯兰国家,一个伊斯兰教国王。”"It is an 80-year project, " says a grandee of the liberal Wafd party, referring to the Brotherhood's origins. "In the long run they want an Islamic state, a caliphate.

在旅游和普瓦捷期间,一个军队的法兰克人和勃艮第人以查理马特尔的力量打败了倭马亚哈里发,现在战斗的地方下落不明。Fought somewhere, now precisely unknown, between Tours and Poitiers, an army of Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel defeated the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate.

不过暂时他们只打算在东南亚的部分国家——印尼、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国南部和菲律宾南部建立一个哈里发国家。But for the moment they'll settle for a caliphate in the Islamic parts of Southeast Asia – Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Southern Thailand and the Southern Philippines.

奥萨马·本·拉登也犯了同样的错误,他认为恐怖袭击和严词抨击的录像带会引起一场大规模的运动,以此来重新建立一个跨国的伊斯兰王国。Osama bin Laden made the same mistake when he thought that terrorist attacks and video-taped fulminations would ignite a mass movement to re-establish a transnational Islamic caliphate.

保守党请求禁止伊斯兰解放党,该党在许多国家都有分支,并在上次选举中努力想在阿拉伯国家建立联合的伊斯兰教王国。The Conservatives pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir, which has branches in dozens of countries and seeks to establish a unified Islamic caliphate in the Arab world, before the last election.

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言归正传,霍布斯继续说道,没有人敢说英联邦的人民,因为比君士坦丁堡的人民,有更多的自由而免于为国家服役,后者是哈里发-伊斯兰教国家领袖-所在地。Yet, no man," Hobbes continues, "can thence infer that a particular man has more liberty or immunity from the service of the commonwealth there than in Constantinople, the city of the Caliphs, the Caliphate.