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“煽动性的念头,不太可能。”成斌说。"Incendiary stuff, not likely, " Cheng said.

朝鲜经常挑起南北双方之间的口舌之争。North Korea frequently lobs incendiary rhetoric across the border.

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把油桶当个有三万伤害的连锁用好了,此外还能造成持续的燃烧伤害。Places a Gas Can that is like a 30k damage chain explosive. Deals incendiary damage.

穿甲弹、烧夷弹或曳光弹在IPSC竞赛中是明令禁止的。Metal piercing, incendiary or tracer ammunition is prohibited from IPSC competitions.

讨论了油基燃烧剂分散性测试的影响因素。The influence factors of testing dispersity of oil-based incendiary agent are also discussed in the paper.

第二天,燃烧弹把商务印书馆和东方图书馆烧了,价值以百万元计的中文书籍珍藏,只有几本得脱火海。On the second day of the"war", fire from incendiary bombs gutted the Commercial Press and the Oriental Library.

我想这种现象源于这个事实,那就是,直到目前为止,公众投入这一问题的兴趣、坦率地讲要少于煽动性话题。I think this stems from the fact that, up to now, very little interest has been paid to this frankly less than incendiary topic.

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在斯特拉斯堡上周欧洲首脑会议欧盟议会上,托波拉内克向欧洲议会议员提交了具有煽动性意见的报告。The incendiary comments were made in Topolanek's report to MEPs at the European parliament in Strasbourg on last week's EU summit.

“除非是轻型防空炮常用的30mm高爆燃烧弹药”,特拉特曼写到。"With the exception of a 30mm high-explosive incendiary round typically associated with light anti-aircraft artillery," Trautman wrote.

过去中国也发生过多起在公交车上实施的恐怖袭击和破坏活动,有些作案工具就是自制燃烧装置。Crude homemade incendiary devices have been used in numerous bus attacks in the past in China, in acts both of terrorism and of sabotage.

我是在特里·布兰奇被杀两周后、祖马谴责骂马莱马煽动性言论一周后,对兰德曼进行了探访。My visit to Landman takes place two weeks after Terre'-Blanche's murder and a week after Zuma scolded Malema over his incendiary comments.

人们应该学会如何从激烈的网络漩涡中剔除煽动性的巧言令色及宣传伎俩、并成为一个消息灵通且有独立见解的公民。One must learn to weed out incendiary polemics and agitprop from the whirling online maelstrom to become an informed and thoughtful citizen.

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两个侦查员开启了火药装置并扔进詹家的房子,致使詹姆斯一个同母异父的弟弟身亡,母亲失去了一个手臂。An incendiary device thrown inside by the detectives exploded, killing James's young half-brother, and blew off one of James's mother's arms.

但许多法国人认为,黑脚仔的故事由某些偏右翼的党派分子述说时煽动情绪,况且现在并非所有人都需要听。But many French feel that the pied noir story, told by some of its more right-wing partisans, is incendiary and not one anyone needs to hear now.

在母星,这个曾经默默无闻的剧作家创作了一系列引起轰动的成功作品,抓住了全球的想象力,从而打造了自己的娱乐帝国。Once a humble playwright, a series of incendiary hits that captured the imagination of the planet funded what would become an entertainment empire.

据说,用来熄灭德国燃烧弹引发的大火的水使植物馆里1740年的种子开始发芽。It's said the water used to extinguish fires from a German incendiary bomb caused seeds in the botany department dating from the 1740s to germinate.

不负责任的煽动性语言,加上令人无法拒绝的诱惑,是这个行业获取暴利的秘诀。Irresponsible incendiary sex language, add the temptation that your person cannot reject, it is the recipe that this industry gets sudden huge profits.

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而最近上映的一部影片叙述的则是伊斯兰原教旨主义和两性人这样极具争议性的话题,在巴基斯坦国内引起了出人意料的轰动。But a new film, addressing such potentially incendiary topics as Islamic fundamentalism and hermaphroditism, has become an unexpected hit in the country.

要注重清理采伐后留下的枝权和树叶,可用机械翻耕或放火燎烧。Should notice to clear the branch advantageous position that after cutting, leaves and leaf, usable machinery turns over agrarian or incendiary burn to burn.

美国标准室内用品燃烧性测试套具,测试软垫座椅材料的可燃性。American Standard seat incendiary tester, test padded seats combustible materials. Test, test kits by the standards of the bubble and the unknown fabric cover.