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他似乎对她怀有无限的感激。He appeared immensely grateful to her.

和他们一起工作,我感到无比自豪。I am immensely proud to work with them.

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我在聚会上玩得很开心。I enjoyed myself at the party immensely.

阿迪马对他的新农田感到无比的自豪。Adema is immensely proud of his new farm.

预祝你羊年大吉,洋洋得意!I wish you a sheep year, immensely proud!

我听着妈妈的夸奖心里美滋滋的。I listen to the mother's praise immensely.

德华的数据非常惊人。The statistics are on Drogba's side immensely.

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这也将不断地改善你的身心健康。This will immensely affect your mood and health.

“表面看,它是一艘非常强大的军舰,”他说道。"On paper it's an immensely powerful ship," he said.

正如我所说的,我以为世界卫生组织工作感到无限自豪。As I have said, I am immensely proud to work for WHO.

今天,天涯海角是极受欢迎的旅游胜地。Today, it is an immensely popular tourist attraction.

柏利完全按预算行事,我为他感到无比骄傲,他是我的名厨。I feel immensely proud of him. He's my celebrity chef.

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他从里屋领出一个非常老成的年轻人。From the back room he brought an immensely old young man.

我们在聚会上玩得非常尽兴。The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely.

这一说明可极富说服力,往往也很引人注目。That exhibit can be immensely persuasive, often compellingly so.

这种展示可能十分具有说服力。That exhibit can be immensely persuasive , often compellingly so.

然而大部分的人仍对其所经历的时代怀有无限感激之情。But most were immensely grateful to live in the era that they did.

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我从小艇上仰看大船,它显得异常高大。Immensely tall she looked to me from my low station in the coracle.

贝利尼和多尼采蒂的作品在这段时期极受欢迎。The work of Bellini and Donizetti was immensely popular at this time.

圣路易斯奥比斯波县在这里骑自行车是非常受欢迎。San Luis Obispo County is THE place where biking is immensely popular.