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天公作美。The weather favoured us.

雨天有利于他的逃跑。Rain favoured his escape.

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老师偏爱她。The teacher favoured her.

这年轻的姑娘是个幸运儿。The young girl is favoured by fortune.

这项政策得到了反核阵营的支持。This is the policy favoured by tha antinuclear camp.

他当权时,面无愧色地大加偏爱他的家乡。In power he unapologetically favoured his home region.

米基喜欢长度及膝的紧身短裙。Mickey favoured tight skirts with a hemline at the knee.

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但幸运之神偏爱第二类人。But Fortune's favoured children belong to the second class.

他没有哈马斯喜欢搞的那种殉难视频。There was no martyrdom video of the kind favoured by Hamas.

这个时期的女士喜欢留短发、齐肩发和波浪发。Women in this period favoured short, bobbed and waved styles.

这条得宠的猎狗还戴上一个金颈圈,领有一份士兵的薪饷。This favoured dog wore a collar of gold and drew a soldier's pay.

许多民主党人惊骇于比尔克。林顿竟然赞同这样一项法案。Many Democrats were aghast that Bill Clinton favoured such a bill.

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但霍兹拒绝透露活动策划者是否有意要更换首都。Hotz declined to elaborate on whether the campaign favoured a change.

同时,二战警报,犬吠和警笛声也榜上有名。World War II sirens, dogs barking and alarm tunes were also favoured.

这又乾瘦又丑陋的母牛吃尽了那以先的七只肥母牛And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine

所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢?So how do we convince guys to put it on?And make Durex the favoured choice.

不过一些专家认为,不受宠也会带来积极的影响。But some experts believe being less favoured can have positive consequences.

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埃利不想分开杰姬,兄弟两发作争持。Emmanuel and don't want to separate the two attacks, brother Jackie favoured.

热钱现在最好的2个目标国家就是日本和美国。The two favoured destinations for now-skittish capital are Japan and America.

并且在他喜欢的左翼位置,阿什利-杨表现更出色。Furthermore his favoured position is left-wing, where Ashley Young has excelled.