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巴黎世家很快就来到巴黎体现优雅。Balenciaga soon came to embody Parisian elegance.

巴黎人布鲁诺·方丹正在河畔小憩。Parisian Bruno Fontaine is relaxing by the edge of the river.

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巴黎礼品购物车,以酩悦香槟和馥颂美食为特色。Parisian Gift Basket, featuring Fauchon products and Moet Champagne.

找一个巴黎人展开一段会话,但这也不太容易。Start a conversation with a Parisian. This isn’t always easy, though.

找一个巴黎人展开一段会话,但这也不太容易。Strike up a conversation with a Parisian. This isn’t always easy, though.

唉,只可惜博斯科普人没有机会漫步巴黎的林荫大道了!Alas, if only the Boskop had had the chance to stroll a Parisian boulevard!

巴黎警察一向以智慧称道于世,实在不外是桀黠罢了。The Parisian police, so much extolled for acumen, are cunning, but no more.

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有一位来自英奇·丘恩克的雕塑家曾经告诉我,这种场景的确具有巴黎风格。I was told by a sculptor from Mauch Chunk that the scene was truly Parisian.

腌太平洋扇贝,巴黎式蘑菇,松露黄油汁。Gratinated Pacific scallop carpaccio, Parisian mushroom, truffle butter sauce.

两年后,一个巴黎的工匠称呼自己为”sophas专家。Two years later, a Parisian craftsman described himself as “a specialist in sophas.”

我希望把巴黎时装展中所有的优势和品质带到东京。And I wanted to bring all the excellence and quality of the Parisian show into Tokyo.

在19世纪早期,路易斯威登本人犹如一个训练有素的行李打包机服务于一个富裕的巴黎家庭。In the early 1800s Louis Vuitton trained as a luggage packer for a wealthy Parisian family.

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红毯引导着宾客们穿过明亮的巴黎日光走进漆黑的有机玻璃秀场。A red carpet led guests out of the bright Parisian sunshine towards a black Perspex catwalk.

夏奈尔是法国服装设计师,她主宰巴黎高级女式时装长达近60年。Chanel was the French dress designer who ruled over Parisian haute couture for nearly 60 years.

里格洛博成立之初是一家气氛活跃的啤酒馆,巴黎的艺术家、思想家、“波希米亚”一族经常光顾。Le Globo began life as a lively brasserie frequented by Parisian artists, thinkers and bohemians.

这两个乌木色的洒吧椅是巴黎风格的,是我从跳蚤市场淘来的,放在这个小房间里我觉得非常完美。A pair of ebonized Parisian club chairs, a flea-market find, are perfectly scaled for a small room.

在瓶子的玻璃里展示一个巴黎人体模型的一个抽象的剪影,不愧为热点设计。By exhibiting the silhouette of a Parisian manikin in the flask, it is creditably the hottest design.

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她后悔当初不该把她的一件巴黎连衣裙处理掉,而是应该调整一下衣服宽大的肩部。And she wishes she had tweaked the big shoulders on one of her Parisian dresses instead of giving it away.

一个开狗衣服小商店的巴黎人说,如果日本引领了狗时尚,那么世界上其它地方就会跟进效仿。Parisian dog boutique owner says that where Japan leads in dog fashions , the rest of the world will follow.

巴黎人之盼望晚饭,一如密西西比人盼望傍晚钻研圣经。The parisian look forward to dinner as a mississippian looks forward to his evening necking of the scripture.