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中继器可配置,支持静态路由Repeater configurable and static routing feature

使用者可以自订相关设定,像是编辑框的尺寸。User- configurable settings, such as edit box size.

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在此版本中,该详细级别是不可配置的。In this release, this detail level is not configurable.

它提供了可配置的动态设备命名的支持。It provides the configurable dynamic device-naming support.

支持多语言,可配置在管理门户。Support to multilanguage, configurable in the admin portal.

时序部分基于可配置的D型触发器。The sequential part is based on a configurable D-type flop.

重试的次数和间隔是可配置的。The number of retries and the retry interval is configurable.

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实现还可以具有一个或多个可配置属性。An implementation may also have one or more configurable properties.

需要将这些基本属性设置为可配置的参数。These basic attributes need to be set up as configurable parameters.

该组件为用户提供一个包含可配置文本的复选框。This component presents a check box with configurable text to the user.

某些协议和产品支持内置重试,而且是可配置的。Some protocols and products support built-in retry, which is configurable.

而且,这些更为精致的工具提示的所有参数都是可配置的。And, all of the parameters of these more elaborate tooltips are configurable.

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ICO是灵活的、高度可配置的并且使用最少的FPGA资源。The ICO is flexible, highly configurable and uses a minimum of FPGA resources.

影响收歛时间的另一个组态项目是更新间隔。Another configurable item that affects convergence time is the update interval.

这个向导支持您在代理上创建新的可配置服务定义。This wizard lets you create new configurable service definitions on the broker.

这种解耦将建立一个极具可配置性和模块化的运行时环境。This decoupling makes an extremely configurable and modular runtime environment.

可以,科技树和升级系统在地图编译器中能被完全自定义。Yes, the tech tree and upgrade system will be fully configurable from the editor.

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背包带都是高度可配置的,可以通过插扣进行分离。The straps are highly configurable and can be detached with a click of the buckles.

升级过的可配置特性的值只可在升级过的实例中设置。The value of a promoted configurable property is set only on the promoted instance.

语法高亮是可配置的,还可根据您的个人喜好使之个性化。Syntax highlighting is configurable and can be personalized to your individual taste.