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现在蔫了的身体恢复。A listless body now revived.

摘下的幸运草还是要蔫掉。The lucky grass will be listless anyhow.

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小明一生病就发蔫。Xiao Ming looks listless when he is sick.

炎热的夏天让人们虚弱无力,情绪低落。The scorching summer left people enervated and listless.

比尔·帕克斯顿持续两星期都无精打采的。Bill Paxton felt listless for two weeks after the incident.

他仰着下巴颏儿,没精打采,慢慢地把我们打量了一番。He raised his chin and looked slowly over us, in a listless dull way.

他们表示,孩子们仍在发烧、无精打采、毫无食欲。They say the children remain feverish, listless and without appetite.

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在这慵懒的时光里,我的心啊,你和自己玩了什么悠闲的游戏?What idle play is this with yourself, my heart, through the listless hours?

树缝里也漏出一两点路灯光,没精打采的,是渴睡人的眼。Through the branches are also a couple of lamps, as listless as sleepy eyes.

缝里也漏着一两点路灯光,没精打彩的,是渴睡人的眼。In a joint also as listless as sleepy, trailed, is thirsty sleep the eyes of man.

因此我们忙于种种琐事,几乎意识不到我们对待生活的漠然的态度。So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.

所以我们为琐事奔波,并没有意识到我们对待胨生活的态度是冷漠的。So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.

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火星与你对立,你可能对爱心生怠倦和沮丧。As Mars moves opposite your sign, you could feel listless and depressed about love.

但是经历了第三次的艰难化疗,他未能恢复过来,脸色依旧苍白,整个人也显得无精打采的。But he failed to bounce back after the difficult chemo, remaining pale and listless.

金堂因为鱼头孙和陈师傅在一起住心里不舒服,整天无精打采的。JTG because fish head with master Chen sun live heart uncomfortable, listless all day.

这只14岁大的非洲鳄鱼名叫根纳,据工作人员介绍,自从上周误食手机之后,根纳一直拒绝进食,看上去也是无精打采的。Since the incident, the African crocodile has been refusing food and appears listless.

兰德尔站在那儿看着她,脸上带着一种厌恶的奇异神情。Randall stood looking at her with a singular expression of aversion on his listless face.

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他看上去疲惫不堪,倚靠在石头上,无精打采地玩弄着自己匕首的柄头。He seemed weary, and was leaning back toying in a listless manner with the pommel of his dagger.

错综的心愿,早熟的感情,太多冷漠的情绪,全写在脸上。A maze of desires, emotions ripened prematurely, languorous and listless moods, all written on my face.

如果你想慵懒闲坐,任你的罐子在水上漂浮,来吧,到我的湖边来吧。If you would be idle and sit listless and let your pitcher float on the water, come, O come to my lake.