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她想买一个挺高式乳罩。She want to buy an uplift bra.

它将鼓励你,解释你为什么感觉这样。It will uplift you and explain why you feel this way.

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我举起一把巨斧,劈开他虫蚀过的髑…I uplift a broad-axe, and split open his worm-eaten skull!

在时间上,“上涌”对构造地震的触发滞后于隆起过程。In time, triggered time behind the process of mantle uplift.

桩侧后注浆抗拔桩是一种新型的抗拔桩基础。The side-grouting uplift pile is a newly developed pile foundations.

在脸上喷上几下可以立马提神醒脑,让你焕发青春活力。A few squirts onto your face can uplift and rejuvenate you in an instant.

石臼坨凸起及倾没端油气是从西北方向运移和注入的。Oil in the Shijiutuo Uplift and the inclined end migrated from northwest.

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河流阶地是研究地面抬升的最直接的地貌证据之一。River terrace is one of the direct geomorphic evidences of surface uplift.

湘东南地区晚近时期的快速隆升是区域性整体抬升。The latest rapid uplift in southeast Hunan was a regional integral uplift.

阿嬷现在最需要的就是你,要能让她的心欢喜一点的也是你。Grandpa, you are the one she needs most now. Only you can uplift her heart.

他的音乐时赐给我们的礼物,将抚慰和振奋我们的心灵。His music is our gift, ready to comfort and uplift at the touch of a button.

隆起区多属高水平应力区,沉降区多属低水平应力区。The horizontal stress is high in the uplift and low in the subsidence areas.

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分享一点你自己的故事就可以激励和鼓舞其它人,这样的方法还不够好吗?What a great way to inspire and uplift others by giving a piece of yourself!

研究了极限上拔承载力和抗拔桩的破坏机理。The ultimate uplift bearing capacity, failure mechanism of piles were studied.

陈家庄凸起北坡发育了多种类型的储集体。There is a variety of reservoir types in the north slope of Chenjiazhuang Uplift.

而在一般的工业厂房基础中,抗拔桩应用较少。Uplift pile is applied fewˉer, in general industrial factory building foundation.

用纯白光的光环围绕你生活中遇到的人。Uplift the people in your life by surrounding them in an aura of the whitest light.

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但柏利总是笑容可掬,妙语如珠,让你精神一振。But you always get a smile and some witty repartee from him that provides an uplift.

其次,叙述了各向异性的岩石基础对扬压力的影响。Then the influence of anisotropic rock foundation on the uplift pressure is described.

我会定期收到读者们的评论,讲述着他们是怎样被我的文字激励的。I regularly receive comments from my readers as to how my words uplift and inspire them.