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文森特·多德报道。More from Vincent Dowd.

华盛顿大使馆。Embassy Washington. Maureen Dowd is off today.

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我们的记者文森特·道登刚从戛纳连线直播室。Our arts correspondent Vincent Dowd is just back from Cannes.

说从某种意义上讲,D只是用目前全国都在争论的伊拉克问题来发泄自己的情绪。Bartlett said in a way, Dowd is personifying the national debate about Iraq.

多德想出了使EverTune起作用的关键性的杠杆-弹簧系统。Dowd came up with the essential lever-and-spring system that makes EverTune work.

但杜德也说,如果实行全年夏时制,也许就得不到同样的效果。Dowd said the same findings might not apply to year-round daylight saving time, however.

如果能把时间调到比赛当时的话,我想菲尔·多德一定会改变他的判罚的。If he could turn the clock back, I think Phil Dowd would change his mind, " said Jewell."

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博尔顿呼吁的目标,声称球已越过球门线,但主裁判多德菲尔是不感兴趣。Bolton appeal for a goal, claiming the ball had crossed the line but referee Phil Dowd is not interested.

但是这名红军后卫幸运地逃过一劫,对于这次可期的侵犯主裁判菲儿·道德仅仅出示黄牌作为警告。The defender was lucky to get only a booking as referee Phil Dowd rated the incident as a bookable offence.

扫视了一分钟后,贝兰克梵说他在第五页上找了前述内容,这似乎让多德颇感吃惊。After a scan lasting a minute, Mr Blankfein said he found the reference on page five, which seemed to surprise Mr Dowd.

不到24小时以前,菲尔。多德鸣哨结束了史上最让人难忘的比赛之一。Less than 24 hours ago, Phil Dowd blew his whistle to end one of the most remarkable football matches ever played, ever.

美国广播公司ABC的分析家马修。道得说,像佩林这样造成民调突然或大幅度改变,通常是暂时的。ABC analyst Matthew Dowd says when there is a sudden and large shift in polls such as with Palin, it is usually temporary.

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联合制片人汤姆多德捕获这个录制现场的感觉,即使没想到的性能也一并举行。Co-producer Tom Dowd captured this live feel on the recording, even though the group did not think the performance held together well.

裁判多德与边裁商量了一番,同时曼联球员围着裁判索要点球。Referee Phil Dowd went to consult his linesman, sparking ugly scenes as the United players surrounded the officials demanding a penalty.

英足总对维根教练保罗·尤厄尔在上周日对阿森纳比赛赛后的过激行为进行指控。The Football Association have charged Wigan boss Paul Jewell with improper conduct for his post-match outburst at referee Phil Dowd at Arsenal on Sunday.

“你想参与的东西得到您的果汁流动,”多德说,克伦族,执行主任的职业服务,丹佛大学的商学院。"You want to be involved in something that gets your juices flowing, " says Karen Dowd , executive director of career services at the University of Denver's business school.

杰维尔说。英足总在陈述了无力改变任免裁判的问题之后正在对杰维尔的谈话内容进行调查,并且确认现在的指控只会涉及到杰维尔对多德的个人语言攻击。The FA, which said it is not responsible for the appointment of referees, is investigating Jewell's comments, and confirmed that the current charge relates only to Jewell's personal rant at Dowd.

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当巴顿由于鲁莽的滑铲把中场阿隆索铲倒导致后者被担架抬出场外,而纽卡也因为巴顿的红牌罚下而找不到补救的办法。Newcastle's cause wasn't helped when Joey Barton was sent off by referee Phil Dowd for a reckless challenge on Xabi Alonso which resulted in the Liverpool midfielder being stretchered from the field.