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譬如生命,譬如征兵制,那又如何?What about life? What about military conscription?

在联合王国,一种征兵制长期有效。In the U. K. a kind of conscription was long in force.

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为了逃避徵兵,那个人躲到山里去了。The man flee to the mountain to avoid the conscription.

为了逃避募兵,那个人躲到山里去了。The man fled to the mountains to avoid the conscription.

空军志愿役官士兵对义务役士兵价值评估。The values of conscription by voluntary officers in Air Force.

历史上,义务兵一直是解放军的中流砥柱。Historically, conscription was the mainstay of PLA recruitment.

在他16岁那年战争爆发了,征兵时他恰满18岁。He was 16 when war broke out and reached 18 as conscription was being introduced.

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根据现况,国家对兵役法进行了调整。Based on current situations, the state made modifications to the conscription law.

甚者更仿照抽丁的办法,发招牌,明什么“征兵制度”。Worse more along the lines of pumping small way, made signs, that what "conscription."

我们芬兰的确有募兵活动,但现如今那已经称不上是一支军队了。It is true that we have conscription in Finland, but it isn´t an army anymore these days.

韩国的强制征兵制是许多男人在军队或警察部队服役。South Korea’s mandatory conscription has all men serving in the army or the police force.

评价济宁市入伍应征青年的心理健康状况。To evaluate the level of mental health in male candidates for conscription in Ji'ning City.

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对“荒年募兵”等学界存在争论的问题,本文也进行了探讨。The article also discussed the argumentative question of the conscription in the lean years.

如今约有七十个国家保留了兵役制度,其中大多是高人口密度,低收入国家,泰国就是其中之一。Thailand is one of some 70 states, mostly people-rich and cash-poor, that retain conscription.

本报讯昨天,是上海2008年冬季征兵体检工作全面展开的第一天。By yesterday, the Shanghai 2008 winter conscription medical work in full swing on the first day.

在当今的局势下,大部分的政治家和军事专家都认为义务兵役制是没必要的。In current conditions conscription is considered unlikely by most political and military experts.

本月,德国暂停了义务兵役制以及对口的民事及社区服务。THIS month Germany suspended military conscription and its civilian counterpart, community service.

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这引发了对战争和征兵等当代问题的课堂辩论。This leads to a classroom debate about the contemporary questions surrounding war and conscription.

江姐曾经在华蓥山带领穷苦百姓抗粮抗丁。Miss Jiang used to lead the poor common people in resisting the grain levy and compulsory conscription.

目的探讨心理测验在义务兵征兵体检中的应用。Objective To explore the application of psychological testing during the health checkup of the conscription.